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Bellringers Corner Hello Central

"Hello, Central! Regarding The Possibility Of Lift-off And Pole Shift/Earth Changes, Wouldn't That Also Destroy The Inner Earth Civilizations?

"Hello, Central! Creator God Has Things Backwards. When Will The BB&G's Be Held Accountable? Why Do The Lightworkers Have To Leave and Then Return To A Mess? (Updated April 27,2006)

"Hello, Central!" As I Think Like A Human, Plan B Conjures Up All Kinds Of Questions! (Updated 6:40 p.m. April 21, 2006)

"Hello, Central!" What Happens To Those Who Commit Suicide? Will They Go To Hell?

"Hello, Central!" Would You Please Direct Me In The Proper Way To Meditate?

"Hello, Central!" Ego Wars Are Being Fought By Satanic Power Hungry People To Destroy Us. We Must Take Them Down By Marching In The Streets For Peace and Love

"Hello, Central!" Many Articles on Fourwinds Contradict Each Other! If the Star People Have Removed All "Nukes", Why Do You Post Articles About Plans For Nuclear War in Iran?

"Hello, Central!" If Wijthout NESARA Drastic Earth Changes Lie Ahead, And If God Wants NESARA Announced, Why Doesn't He Just Do It?

"Hello, Central!" Please Explain the Statement by Creator God Aton, "The Evil Day of Easter Celebrated By The Satanic Worshippers".

"Hello, Central!" In General The Content On Fourwinds Appeals To the Lowest Common Denominator Of Bigotry And Hate. Where Is All The Love, the Light and the Life? (updated April 7, 2006)

"Hello, Central!" Why Is Fourwinds Creating Fear By Talking About Illegal Aliens? Shouldn't We Embrace Our Fellowman, Because We Are All One? (Updated April 5, 2006)

"Hello, Central!" I Found The Article You Posted "Engraved On America's Tombstone" To Be Offensive And Racially Discriminating!" (updated 04-01-06)

"Hello, Central!" I Am Seeing Repeating Numbers And Know Who Is Calling On The Phone. I Think I Have Psychic Abilities. Can You Enlighten Me?

"Hello, Central!" A Call To All Light Workers

"Hello, Central"! We Need To Keep Positive, Stay Focused, And Be Patient For Maybe Several More Weeks Or Months Before We See NESARA's Announcement

"Hello, Central!" Some Thoughts On The Article "Killing Us Left and Right "Hello, Central!" Some Thoughts On The Article "Killing Us Left and Right"

"Hello, Central!" Keeping On To Victory

"Hello, Central!" I Had Some Important Spiritual Questions, If You Don't Mind!

"Hello, Central!" I Am Afraid Of Our Future! How Do I Know If I Fit Into The Group That Will Move To The 5th Dimension?

"Hello, Central!" I Dedicate This E-mail To Everyone Who Is Losing Faith In NESARA!