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"Hello, Central!" Why Is Fourwinds Creating Fear By Talking About Illegal Aliens? Shouldn't We Embrace Our Fellowman, Because We Are All One? (Updated April 5, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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t cannot be owned?

3. Why promulgate fear?

4. When will we stop criminalizing others?

5. When will we stop trying to force others to "assimilate"?

6. When will we stop trying to "force"?

7. When will we "be" light and love?

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----- Original Message -----

From: RJ


Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 8:23 PM

Subject: "Illegal"


All of this talk about "illegals" seems a little out of place on this website. Don't you agree that all of God's children are one? Won't we have to have to open our borders and accept all mankind as brothers and sisters? The Hispanic contingent in this country is a major cog in the machine. If all illegal immigrants were somehow removed from these borders and not allowed back in, this machine would shut down. Aren't they mostly a hard working lot? They hold jobs that are beneath most of our citizens. Speculating that this Hispanic uprising is rigged seems far-fetched to me. There is obviously an underground among the illegal immigrants in this country. If they are able to reach every corner of this land in large numbers and live for years without being caught, there must be an organization of some sort. Very few of us here are native to this land, our ancestors or maybe even ourselves made sure of that. This might be some major Karma coming back to us. We must put an end to all of this "us and them" and embrace our fellow man.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: MK and RJ

DATE: April 4, 2006


Dear MK and RJ:

Thank you each for your letter concerning the U.S. immigration problem. Fourwinds is dedicated to presenting Truth to the world, and very often the Truth hurts. Avoiding a public discussion of the U.S. illegal alien problem, does not make the problem go away, and discussing the problem does not create fear. Fear is created when we avoid the Truth, when we have no answers and the future is unknown. Fear is created by those who refuse to face the Truth and to deal with life realistically.

It is a fact that the U.S. has a very serious illegal alien problem at this time, that was deliberately created by minions of the New World Order. For decades the plan has been to reduce the standard of living in the U.S. to that of the third world countries in order to control the people through ignorance and poverty. That is the reasoning behind such treaties as GATT and NAFTA, and that is the reasoning behind the U.S./Mexico open border policy at this time. Because of these actions, not only is the economy and standard of living of the U.S. under siege, but the values and moral fiber of the country is being undermined as well.

In the face of such an onslaught of Darkness how can you cry, "Embrace our fellow man, for we are all One?" This flies in the face of Truth! This defies the very Laws of Oneness, the Laws of God and Creation. We are very far from being all One! We have a very long way to go to become One with ourselves and with Creator God, but that is our goal.

So, how do we create Oneness? How do we deal with the illegal alien problem? Where do we start? Do we "turn the other cheek" and take them into our homes and feed them and clothe them at the expense of our own children, and let them take our jobs so that we have no money and are evicted from our homes and are forced to go on welfare? Do we allow illegal aliens to have free health care and free education so that we go without? Do we allow the illegal alien criminal element to increase and cause the subtle destruction of our society through theft, drugs, rape and murder? This is not the meaning of showing unconditional Love to our fellowman!

The Laws of God and Creation were provided to us to bring order, balance and harmony to human society. With these as our guidelines how do we deal responsibly with the U..S. illegal alien problem today? What would Esu Immanuel Sananda or any of the enlightened Ascended Masters do? It is all about "tough Love"!

Under Creator God's Laws everyone is held accountable for what they do. You shall not steal! You shall not lie! You shall not covet! You shall not murder, etc. You shall not take from another what does not belong to you. You love your neighbor by not stealing from him or coveting his wife or killing his children. You love your neighbor by not taking his health care, his educational systems and social services for yourself, without having honestly earned them and are, therefore, deserving of them.

Everyone has the right to live in peace and freedom and security. That is the purpose of sovereign nations and sovereign states, and no one has the right to violate that sovereignty. So, what do I propose to do with the illegal aliens in the U.S., send them home?

Yes, they must return to their own sovereign country and to their own friends and relatives and build their own communities of peace, freedom and security. They do this with our help! NESARA will provide the humanitarian funds to allow the people of Mexico the means to create a future of hope for themselves. They came to the U.S. for those very reasons, but in so doing they have taken those very things away from the people of the U.S.

Only as the people within each sovereign nation are helped to build communities of peace,harmony and balance, can we finally remove our borders and become a world of Oneness. It all starts at home, and not by running to the neighbors and taking what is not yours.

The Zionists want to take our world by storm, and they have nearly done so. There are Gringo (white) Zionists and Beaner (Mexican) Zionists in key positions in government, education, law enforcement and the various professions, who are cooperating to destroy the Mexican/American sovereignty. The recent controlled protests were supervised by them to create division, riots and martial law, if at all possible. The Zionists are demanding the Spanish language in our English speaking nation. Their corporations are producing products labeled in Spanish, Spanish T.V. and radio stations and programming, and Spanish books and newspapers and signs.

The little people are being tricked by the Zionists, who basically have gained control of everything, to support their cause. The "Anchor Baby" is a case in point. A pregnant Mexican woman deliberately and illegally enters the U.S. late in her gestation period to give birth to her baby within the U.S. Any one born within the sovereign U.S. automatically becomes a citizen of the U.S. Therefore, an illegal alien mother is allowed to remain within the U.S. to care for her U.S. citizen baby and get free health care, education and, of course, welfare and other social services at the expense of the American people. The baby thus "anchors" the mother to remain as an illegal alien within the sovereign U.S. for the next eighteen years.

I shall not go on, but tough Love demands that we take full responsibility for our actions. Oneness begins at home in the family and in the community where love and respect and honesty are practiced. Embracing irresponsibility and defiance of God's Laws shall not bring us into our coming Golden Age. We have much work of "tough Love" to do before we get there.

There are those who will call me a racist for my statements herein. They do so out of ignorance. I am not a racist, and I love any and all of Creator God's people equally, regardless of their race. I condemn no one but I do judge their actions as required by the twelfth Commandment, as found in Phoenix Journal number 27. May Truth and wisdom be your guide, always.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

[NOTE: Please view the URL for "Reconquista - The Current Invasion Map of Illegal Aliens in the U.S." found at: ]

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(Reply from Reader)

----- Original Message -----

From: "J.D.


Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 3:39 AM

Subject: Illegal Aliens

Message: Dear Patrick,

Thank you for speaking the truth about the illegal immigration crisis. People do not realize that this is part of the plan of the Globalists.

Listen to the racist comments of the protesters, and hear their demands for the U.S. Southwest to be united with Mexico, to unite all Spanish speaking people. Is this not the same thing Hitler said when Germany invaded Austria? Didn't Hitler say he just wanted to unite the German speaking people?

Didn't he then drive others, such as the Poles, out of their own country to make room for a Greater Germany? This same message is carried through our streets by the illegals and their supporters. They tell Americans we will have to leave the continent because they are claiming our land for Spanish speaking people in the name of Aztlan, to be merged with Mexico.

I have even read that these protesters are funded by the same Globalist organizations, such as the Ford Foundation, that had ties to the Nazi party!

Please keep telling the truth, Patrick. The dark is so very deceptive, and we need all the light we can get!

Thank you,
