» To New Readers » About Fourwinds
About Four Winds
A huge main website containing:
- Alternative News and Information encompassing over 23,000 articles covering 140+ separate topics which is updated daily,
- All the published Phoenix Journals (115) including the ten Phoenix Journals banned by the U.S. Courts, which contain much secret scientific information,
- All the unpublished Phoenix Journals (126)
- Basic NESARA information, related news and updates
Fourwinds, also, has a sister site (Phoenix Archives) (http://www.phoenixarchives.com ) which contains a complete archive of the Phoenix Journals, Contact Newspapers (1993-99) Phoenix Liberator (1991-93), and Phoenix Journals Express (1990-1991).
Welcome! The following is a quick guide to help you navigate our site.
- 1. To New Readers - About Fourwinds: (click on "To New Readers - About Fourwinds)
- 2. News and Information Section: Menu at left Homepage. This section contains more than one hundred categories of news and information items ranging from government and political to science, health and spiritual areas. You are free to read, copy and use with good intent any article of interest you find here.
- 3. The Phoenix Journals: Click on "Phoenix Journals" or "Phoenix Archives" at the top of the Homepage. All of the published and un-published Phoenix Journals are archived on http://www.phoenixarchives.com. They can also be accessed through Fourwinds by clicking on either "Phoenix Journals" or "Phoenix Archives" menu at the top of our Homepage. These are writings of Truth for the people of our world, received during the 1990's from Creator God via radio transmission from the Phoenix Starship, under the command of Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander of the Pleiadian Star Fleet. The Phoenix Journals are known as The Holy Books of the Lighted Realms, and are for our guidance through these "end times" on our planet. For the new reader of Fourwinds we recommend reading first Phoenix Journals numbers 2, 27, 47, 3, 5, and 7 and in that order.
- 4. The Phoenix Archives: Click on "Phoenix Archives". This is an archive of all of the Phoenix Journals that were published plus all the Contact Newspapers from 1993 to 1998, and the Phoenix Liberator and the Phoenix Express, fore-runners of the Contact Newspaper. These newspapers were used as a means of spreading worldwide the Truth contained in the Phoenix Journals.
- 5a. Spiritual Writings: Click on Spiritual Writings and then on the categories listed. Patrick H. Bellringer of Fourwinds is a Truthbringer and has written much in the spiritual area based on the Truth as presented in the Phoenix Journals. His writings are helpful in understanding these "end times" as he gives personal guidance to the sincere Truthseeker of our day. The new reader may find the article "The Truth in A Nutshell" (http://www.fourwinds10.com/NewsServer/ArticleFunctions/ArticleDetails.php?ArticleID=1928 by Patrick a good place to start in learning the Truth being presented in the Phoenix Journals. The People of the Lie series, and the "Hello, Central!" category in Bellringer's Corner in the News and Information Section are also very important areas to investigate.
- 5b. Spiritual Section of Fourwinds News and Information Section: Click on "Spiritual", then on the various categories. This section contains both general and specific channelings received from various beings of a higher dimension. These spiritual messages are presented to us in third dimension to aid us in our enlightenment and our spiritual growth. The Inspirational section contains a wide range of topics helpful to one's personal and spiritual understanding and growth.
- 5c. "Hello, Centra!" Click on "Bellringer's Corner" of the News and Information Section, then click on "Hello, Central!". Readers of Fourwinds ask many questions of Mr. Bellringer. To facilitate handling the e-mail to Fourwinds Mr. Bellringer has written answers to questions in a public format. This assists many others who are seeking the same answers.
- 6. NESARA -Click on "NESARA" under News and Information.
NESARA is an acronym for National Economic Security and Reformation Act. This is a law that by order of both the U.S. Supreme Court and the World Court the U.S. Congress passed on March 9, 2000 by U.S. President, Bill Clinton. This law must be implemented by an official public announcement to the people via mass media. For years bankers, politicians, judicial and military personnel and others have had a covert battle over implementing this law. Divine Intervention is now causing NESARA to soon be announced and enforced. be enforced. NESARA declares world peace immediately that it is announced, and includes the following requirements in the US of A. These requirements will eventually spread to all countries of our world.- a. Provides forgiveness of credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt as remedy for bank and government frauds.
- b. Abolishes the IRS, creates flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales tax revenue for government.
- c. Initiates U.S. Treasury Gold Standard Banking System, which abolishes the Federal Reserve System, creates new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency.
- d. Restores Constitutional Law and Common Law.
- e. Requires resignations of current U.S. Administration to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections are held within 120 days.
- f. Requires the President Designate to declare "Peace", enabling international banking improvements to proceed smoothly; immediately ends U.S. Military's aggressive actions worldwide, and many more improvements.
For further information go to http://www.nesara.us. - 8. Definitions
- a. Terms
Aliens - The Star People aboard their Starships now orbiting Earth Shan, who have come to our Earth at this time from more than two hundred other Star Nations. They are called the "Hosts of Heaven" and have come in peace and love to help our planet and her people in our Ascension into fifth dimension by 2012. They have come by orders from Creator God without violence or evil and bring much love, education and new technology to assist us in better health and in cleaning up the pollution on our planet.
Ascension - the changing from third dimension (3D) to fifth dimension (5D), to rise in frequencies. Our bodies are presently changing from a carbon-based cell to a crystalline-based cell to accommodate these higher frequencies. Our planet and those who choose to do so will soon be moving into the fifth dimension.
Channeling - to receive messages by various means such as by thought (telepathy), hearing (audio) or seeing (vision) from another dimension (such as 4D or 5D, etc.) These messages are called " channeled" messages and are given to assist us in 3D to better understand ours and other dimensions.
Cosmos - all existing things, the whole of Creation including galaxies, universes and super universes.
Dimension - a given level or rate of electrical frequencies at which the human body and all things vibrate. The rate of these electrical vibrations determine the conditions for living at that level. Those in 5D are invisible to us in 3D due to their higher frequencies. On our planet we live in third dimension. The next levels of higher frequencies are called fourth dimension, fifth dimension, etc.
Earth Shan - The Cosmic name for our planet. "Earth" is a generic term. There are many earth or planets, but our particular earth is named "Shan", meaning the planet of tears.
End Times - the end of our present civilization, the last days of our third dimensional existence on our planet.
Enlightenment - having reached a greater level of the understanding of Truth, through knowledge having gained wisdom and discernment, and the ability to communicate through one's God Spirit within with higher dimensions.
HU-man - Higher Universal Man, a free-willed human being created by Creator God in His image, which includes having His God Spirit within by which to communicate with Creator God.
Phoenix - the name of the command ship of the Pleiadian Starfleet now circling our planet. Historically, the Phoenix bird rose from the ashes of the old to birth a new civilization. In the Phoenix Journals "Phoenix" refers to Truth. Truth is again rising from the ashes of lies to bring enlightenment to mankind.
Reincarnation - the rebirth of your soul into a new human body, to return in another lifestream to a human body in third dimension, embodied in human form again. We reincarnate again and again in 3D via the Great Wheel of Reincarnation to learn our lessons in soul growth. We continue this process lifestream after lifestream until we graduate to a higher dimension.
- b. Persons
--Ascended Masters - those beings who have mastered their lessons in soul growth in 3D and higher dimensions, and have now come to help us in 3D to achieve our mission and to assist with the Ascension of our planet and her people.
--Creator God - the Creator of our Nebadon Universe aka Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton/Christ Michael.
--Hatonn - Creator God, who has taken the position of Pleiadian Starfleet Commander in order to better communicate with us yet living in 3D.
--Sananda Immanuel - also known 2000 years ago as Esu Immanuel or Jesus Christ. Over these past 2000 years of study and learning he has grown in wisdom and has earned the title of "Sananda" which means "one with God". Sananda Immanuel is in charge of our earth's transition at this time from 3D into 5D by 2012.
--Source - pure Light energy, Creator Source located at the Isle of Paradise, the center of the seven super universes, the Creator of All That Is.
- a. Terms
Who are the Bellringers?
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Bellringer will celebrate their 48th wedding anniversary on June 17, 2010. They and their four children were "called" to the Black Hills of South Dakota, USA in 1996 to establish the Fourwinds and the Phoenix Archive Websites: http://www.fourwinds10.com and http://www.phoenixarchives.com .
Since their children have now relocated, Anne and Patrick own and operate their two websites alone in Rapid City, SD, USA, with the help of a part-time webmaster.
Anne Bellringer
The daughter of a circuit court judge of South Dakota, Anne holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music Education (Magna Cum Laude) and a Master of Music Degree. She has taught public school for 29 years in South Dakota, New Jersey, Missouri and Minnesota. Her teaching career has been music education of children, kindergarten through college of vocal and instrumental music. She has composed music, presented original operettas plus plays, directed musicals and is an accomplished choreographer, set designer and costume design maker. Anne is also an accomplished piano, piccolo and flute player and has been a solo performer with many bands. She is an artist as well with many original paintings and designs on wood and stone. Since 1994 Anne has been a receiver of the Ascended Masters, and especially of Hatonn and Sananda
Patrick Henry Bellringer
Patrick Bellringer was raised on a Wisconsin dairy farm and learned how to work at an early age. He holds a Bachelor's Degree of Science in Forest Management, a Bachelor's Degree in Biological Science Education, a Master's of Religious Education, and a Master's of Divinity. He has worked as a Forester in both Alaska and the Black Hills of S.D. Patrick also taught public school for 18 years in biological and the physical sciences at junior and senior high levels with emphasis in health education. He was Director of Christian Education for the Presbyterian Church in New York City for two years. He has also served as a pastor of six United Methodist Churches in South Dakota, Missouri, and Washington State.
In their earlier years the Bellringer family owned and operated a dairy farm with their four children for 16 years. During the early 1990's they held many seminars across the Midwest and East Coast for the Farm Claims program.
Patrick was inducted into the Cambridge Who's Who in May, 2008.
Patrick H. Bellringer is a modern day Truthbringer. His writings are candid and concise. He challenges the non-thinker and the thinker alike as he reveals the "lie" which cloaks our entire civilization. One cannot avoid pondering his "message", for he speaks Truth from his heart and from the Lighted Realms!
Contact Information / E-mail Address
If you have any comments or questions for Mr. Bellringer, please feel free to email him at bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Or send mail to:
Rukahn International
701 East Oakland Street
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701 USA
Four Winds 10 is a website operated by Rukahn International, a division of The Star Light Foundation. The Star Light Foundation is a non profit entity dedicated to charitable causes based in Rapid City, South Dakota.
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