»Mission Statement
Mission Statement
The Four Winds and The Phoenix Archives websites are committed to giving Truth to the people of our world and to revealing the lies under which we of Planet Earth have been living for thousands of years.
This website has been established to freely give Truth to anyone seeking Truth on this planet. The Bellringers are assisting to fulfill the promise that Esu Immanuel made 2000 years ago, when he said that at the end of the age, Truth would be presented one more time to the "four corners of the earth" -thus the "Four Winds" http://www.fourwinds10.com and "Phoenix Archives" http://www.phoenixarchives.com websites.
Our objectives are:
- To reveal the Darkside's secret Plan 2000 for total world control by our present evil world leaders.
- To reveal to the world's people that Creator God Aton of Light also has a Plan 2000. God Aton and His Forces of Light will not do it for us but will work with us, as we responsibly confront evil in our day and change the "ending of the play."
- To reveal the evil world leaders' cover-up of off-world humans (our ancestors), who are here in starships in Earth's atmosphere at this time, and who have come with good intent to help us prevent the evil Plan 2000 from being accomplished, and to help us establish the New Age of Enlightenment.
- To reveal the Truth presently being given to our civilization by the Realms of Light:
- a. How to change the age-old prophecies, e.g. how to change the ending of this civilization without the prophesied final destruction occurring.
- b. How to prepare for our future survival, if necessary, against coming Earth changes.
- c. How to heal ourselves from any disease or ailment by within in combination with those things provided by Creator God for our healing.
- d. How to have total and permanent protection for ourselves and our families against all darkside energies, entities and technology.
- e. How to change what is and create our way, through the power of our God-Spirit within. This includes bringing balance and harmony again to our "Mother Earth and ushering in the New Age of Peace and Enlightenment.
- f. How to assist our Planet Earth in her transition into fifth dimension by 2012.
- g. How to make our own transition into fifth dimension and the Age of Enlightenment without experiencing physical death and returning to another 3D lifestream.
- To assist Truthseekers, Lightworkers, and Truthbringers alike in their search for and presentation of Truth.
- To spread the Truth
from Creator God Aton of Light to the "Four Corners of the Planet Earth" via
the "Fourwinds" website (http://www.fourwinds10.com) and the Phoenix Archives
website (http://www.phoenixarchives.com).
The original foundation of Truth upon which Fourwinds rests is that which has been presented by Creator God Aton of Light and the Ascended Masters in the 241 volumes of The Phoenix Journals. These Journals are also known as the "Holy Books of the Lighted Realms."
A Tribute to FourWinds
I am Joseph, and I have been chosen to speak at this time. For many years now Fourwinds has presented great Truth freely to all. You at Fourwinds have stood the tests of time. You have presented the Light of Truth to pierce the fury of the adversary. Your faith has kept you strong against all darkness. Many have been the adversary's attacks, but nothing has penetrated your fortress, and nothing shall.
Fourwinds is seen as a dynamic energy source, sending a great beam of Light far into the Cosmos. We see your Light beam of rainbow colors in other universes and rejoice. You have reached millions with our messages, and through your efforts, millions have found the Light of Truth.
We are many and you can visualize us as you would your great ball stadium, filled with beings from the Realms of Light. We are standing now and applauding you at Fourwinds for your work of presenting Truth to the "fourwinds" of Terra Nova. The music of our applause is deafening.
I now name only a few of us who wish to give you special recognition at this time, as the entire stadium bows in honor of your great work. They are: Esu Immanuel Sananda of Golden Light; El Morya the Statesman of the Red Ray; Lanto the Sage of the Yellow Light; Paul the Venetian the artist of the Green Ray; Serapis Bey the Architect of the Pale Yellow Ray; Hilarion the Healer of the Indigo Light; Lady Nada, twin flame of Sananda of Rose Light; Germain the Alchemist of Violet Light; Michael with his sword of brilliant Blue; Earth geophysicist Commander Soltec; Communications Commander Korton; Starship Commanders Ptaah and Semjase; Gabriel, etheric father of Esu of White Light; Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief of Earth Project Transition; and Thy Father, Aton of dazzling Crystal Light.
We honor you for your wise choices and the courage to make those choices, and we honor you for your tenacity to present Truth with all generosity to all in the face of great odds. We love you with a great Love, and we give you our Peace. We are your brothers and sisters of the Lighted Realms, and I am your brother, Joseph, the earthly father of Esu Immanuel Sananda. Walk in joy!
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