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"Hello, Central!" Please Explain the Statement by Creator God Aton, "The Evil Day of Easter Celebrated By The Satanic Worshippers".

Patrick H. Bellringer

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refer to here?

I celebrate the day of Easter of resurrection and I am NOT a "Satanic worshipper".

Please explain, please.

Thank you.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 17, 2006


Dear JN:

I shall address your question in your e-mail to Anne.

When you celebrate Easter, what are you celebrating? Esu Immanuel Sananda did not die in the attempted murder of him by the Jews, so there was never any resurrection. Esu Immanuel makes that quite clear in his statements found in Phoenix Journal #2. Hatonn/God Aton makes it quite clear throughout the Phoenix Journals that what is called the Holy Bible is really Satan's War Book. The Truth was deliberately twisted into the lie to fool the people.

The Christian Church today is really a cult of blood worshippers, who symbolically eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Truthbringer, Esu Immanuel, who the Pharisees in cooperation with the Roman rulers tried to kill 2000 years ago. The stories they created that Esu Immanuel's blood was a ransom for your evil deeds and that he was Divine and could forgive your sins was an evil joke on the people. Our ego would want us to not be held accountable for our misdeeds.

The Roman Catholic Church has even gone so far as to offer indulgences (forgiveness) for the sin you plan to commit, if you pay enough, of course. This all flies in the face of the most basic Cosmic Law, that of Cause and Effect. There is a cause for every effect and an effect for every cause. Simply put, you reap what you sow. This is also referred to as the Law of Returns. The energy you send out, either positive or negative, is returned to you in like kind but in multiple amount.

To rephrase this, under Cosmic Law everyone is responsible for and held accountable to the Laws of God and Creation for their thoughts and actions. No one can "save" you, shed his blood as a ransom for your misdeeds, or die to remove your sins. You are held accountable for what you do, and you save yourself by living the Laws of God and Creation. That is why the Christian cult church will collapse and the people will be in panic when they finally figure this out.

"Hello, Central!" Please Explain the Statement by Creator God Aton, "The Evil Day of Easter Celebrated By The Satanic Worshippers".

This is why the Phoenix Journals are so important to our world of religious lies today, and this is why Fourwinds really exists. We have for years presented the message of Truth of the Phoenix Journals to the world, but so few have listened. The people avoid the Truth at their own peril.

Why would the day on which the crucifixion of Esu Sananda occurred by called "Good Friday"? Why would the occult celebration day called "Easter" be designated for the day to celebrate the supposed "resurrection" of Esu Immanuel? Are not those who celebrate murder, engage in blood ritual and worship lies, Satanic worshippers?

I do not intend to be cruel, but sometimes the Truth hurts, deeply, and upsets your "apple cart". I know this from experience, for I was a clergyman holding the highest ordination in the church. Today, I am most grateful to my Guides, who helped to awaken me to Truth. Esu Immanuel came as a Truthbringer 2000 years ago to teach us again the Laws of God and Creation. He did not and could not save anyone but himself.

May you go within, my friend, and confirm all Truth for yourself.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer