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"Hello, Central!" If Wijthout NESARA Drastic Earth Changes Lie Ahead, And If God Wants NESARA Announced, Why Doesn't He Just Do It?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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used and doubtful. I hope you can answer my queries and help ease this doubt.

If Creator God Aton has "decreed that NOW is the time for this announcement, and that the prosperity program money needs to be in the hands of the people to bring balance and harmony to Mother Earth" then why does Aton say "that if NESARA would not be announced, if the money was not returned to the people and balance brought, then the Earth changes would become drastic, and the Lightworkers would be lifted off Earth or brought to the center of the Earth and the rest would perish with the rising of Atlantis and Lemuria, and the inundation of the oceans upon the land." ??

If our Creator God has decreed such a thing then how can it be undermined? I understand that the announcement of NESARA and the 'checkmate' against the dark is no easily accomplished task, however, doesn't the decree of Aton overwhelm physical trivialities such as packet deliveries? If God wanted NESARA to be announced today, then surely it would be! SO MANY PEOPLE PRAY FOR THIS EVERYDAY!

And if NESARA is not to be announced in time, will the majority of people on Earth Shan drown, frequencies unraised and ascension denied? When Aton refers to Lightworkers, does he exclusively mean those who are channelers?

I seek your wisdom and insight, Patrick. Most messages I read have been suggesting that Light has won over dark and that we are to be victorious, yet this latest message from Creator God Aton has left me feeling deflated and confused.

Always in Light and Truth



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 17, 2006


Dear K:

Thank you for your letter. Your profound questions are a challenge to all of us who are enlightened. At times we feel like the Psalmist who said, "God's ways are past funding out!"

What do we know for certain at this time? We know that in 1987 at the Harmonic Convergence on August 17, when both the Great Cycle of our Super Universe (Milky Way Galaxy) and the cycle of our solar system in its movement around Alcyone of Pleiades returned to zero point, Creator God Aton decreed that the Darkside had completed their mission on Earth Shan. They were now to return to the Light. They have refused to do so, and we have continued to do battle with the Darkside for nineteen more years!

We know that at the Harmonic Convergence, God Aton also decreed that Earth Shan's request to move into 5D was granted, and that this would happen within the next 25 years or by December 21, 2012. All the people on our planet, who desired to do so and who passed all their tests in soul growth, would be allowed to enter 5D along with Earth Shan. It was understood that

this was the first time the people of a planet were granted permission to enter 5D along with their planet. It was also understood that Earth Shan's transition into 5D would proceed on schedule, regardless of what the people chose to do.

At this time the people of Earth Shan are far behind in this Divine transition schedule of our planet. The general populace are still caught in the lies of religion and materialism and politics and war. Though they are all Returned Masters, they have failed to awaken to Truth. The Lightworkers are still battling the persistent Darkside, who refuse to give up, and many of the Light are conceding defeat. Is it any wonder that God Aton is reminding us of the Divine Plan for Earth Shan to move into 5D with or without us?

Our planet shall be brought into balance and harmony one way or another. Either the people of Earth Shan shall do it assisted by the Star People over a period of months, or our planet shall do it herself in a matter of hours and days. Such rapid reconstruction and clean up of our planet's surface, along with the rising again of the two major continents of Lemuria and Atlantis, would make surface conditions unsafe for human survival. That is why evacuation of the enlightened ones to Starships or to the Inner Earth would be necessary. Those remaining would be swept away to continue their soul growth on other 3D planets or to be uncreated according to their choices.

God Aton is warning us again that, as a people, we are at this pivotal point in our history. Most do not comprehend the urgency of the hour! This restoration of our planet through violent earth changes rather than through the help from the people, I call Plan B. This is the back-up plan for our planet's restoration.

Now, let us discuss Plan A. All who are now on Earth Shan agreed to come into this present lifestream as Returned Masters to assist with Earth Shan's transition into 5D. We were chosen for our past experiences in the

first two Grand Experiments, which failed. We are now at the end of the Third Grand Experiment to bring our planet into 5D in an orderly manner with the assistance of the Star People. Will we fail? Will we succeed? That is the question so many Lightworkers are asking!

We have been told, "The Light has won!" We have been told, "Victory is here!" We have been told the majority of the people want peace. We have been told that Creator God Aton is in charge and that Divine Intervention has been granted. To what extent and when will this happen? Is Divine Intervention happening now? If the Light has won, why can't we see it? Is everything resting on the decisions and actions of the NESARA Mission Team? What more can we do?

These questions haunt us, as days turn into weeks and months. When will the Dark Age end? I do not know that answer, but I know for certain that it is by thought that the battle is won! Are there enough people on our side to tip the energy scale to positive? I do not know, but there are two things I know for certain. The first is that we do have Divine Intervention.

On Easter Sunday twice the Darkside briefly shut down Fourwinds after we posted the latest NESARA Update. The Carlyle Group ordered a massive negative attack against Fourwinds worldwide, and it took the Star People an hour to remove all the blockages, while the second attack took only two minutes to clear. Fourwinds would not be in operation without Divine

Intervention. The same hold true for the NESARA Mission and for Lightworkers all over Earth Shan.

Secondly, I know for certain that we are not fighting this battle against Darkness alone. The avalanche of e-mails we receive at Fourwinds from enlightened people worldwide is proof of that. The negative responses are so few that they are of little consequence. There is no doubt that our only remaining option to totally win over the Darkness is Divine Intervention.

We know this is now happening. Without it the NESARA Mission would not even exist and we would not be here. You say, "If God wanted NESARA to be announced today, then surely it would be!" No, in our 3D world things do not happen by magic. Change to goodness is a cooperative effort between 3D and the Higher Realms. Only with few exceptions the Law of Non-interference is closely observed. Divine Intervention is happening, but we question how much and how soon.

I do not know these answers. Because we cannot yet know and see all, we must walk in faith, believing we shall win, and creating the thought-power to win! Those who do not, fall by the wayside. Know that those, who are enlightened who have opened their hearts to Truth and follow the Laws of God and Creation, have already won and are assured a place in our coming Golden Age of Peace.

Should our planet move on under Plan B without our help, earth changes will be severe and, yes, the majority of the pepole would leave for other 3D lifestreams. There would be no wake-up period of NESARA being announced, First Contact and the Second Coming, as providewd in Plan A.

Finally, to answer your last question, being a channeler does not necessarily mean that one is enlightened or a Lightworker. Channelers come in various eneriges ranging from positive to negative, and their messages coincide accordingly. The Spirit world is not limited to only the Light.

I close by saying that no matter how things turn out physically on Earth Shan, the Light and those of the Light always win! I believe that we will have a smooth ride, and that the correct decisions and actions to allow for the completion of Plan A will be done in the next few days. Let us walk in faith, believing that Truth shall, yet, prevail in this month of April. I believe our positive power of thought has prevailed!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer