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"Hello, Central!" I Am Seeing Repeating Numbers And Know Who Is Calling On The Phone. I Think I Have Psychic Abilities. Can You Enlighten Me?

Patricik H. Bellringer

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en having strong feelings as well. My neck has been tense the last past week and all of a sudden I know who is on the phone call my number even with out looking at the caller I.D. I looked into numerology lately and it say's that I have a physic abality but may not know it. Also, I bought a personology book and it says that in the Mars section related to my birth day that I have physic ability as well. I am hoping that maybe you could enlighten me some more about this. Any information you can provide me I would be very greatfull.

In Love and Light



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 7, 2006


Dear MB:

Thank you for your letter. Many people have been seeing repeating numbers for some time, as an indication that the Lighted Realms are trying to get their attention, or tell them something. As returned Masters we all have psychic ability, but most people do not yet know that. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience, and we are here to assist our planet and her people to make the transition from 3D into 5D frequencies.

Some people, who have developed their psychic abilities or who only think they have, set themselves up as a guru and misuse their abilities and mislead others as well as themselves. True psychic abilities are not to be used for greed or power but to help others as well as yourself along your journey into the Higher Dimensions. Those who achieve fifth dimension will have done so using their psychic abilities with good intent. Know that the Darkside has psychic abilities, too, and they know how to use them well. So, beware! Know, also that those of the Light always have power over those of Darkness.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
