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"Hello, Central!" I Found The Article You Posted "Engraved On America's Tombstone" To Be Offensive And Racially Discriminating!" (updated 04-01-06)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ngraved on America's Tombstone"? I found this article to be offensive and racially discriminating... I fail to see how this relates to your mission at fourwinds, and im suprised that something like that was posted to begin with. Im interested to hear your thoughts on the article...



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 30, 2006


Dear AS:

The Truth hurts! Others are stealing your sovereign country out from under you, and you call those who say they should not steal our country, racists?

Whose side are you on? Enlightened people follow the Laws of God and Creation.


Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: AS

To: Bellringer

Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:50 PM

Subject: Re: Recent article enquiry

Dear Patrick,

Im sorry and saddened to hear you say that... every human being has the right to be treated equally regardless of where they are from, where they are, or what their circumstances are and there are so many things wrong with that article i dont even know where to begin. Every country on Earth has its fair share of problems and that article is specifically targeting mexicans! This only breeds more racial discrimination, hatred and unnecessary predjudices. Mexicans are the cause of America's problems??? Mexicans will be the cause of Americas undoing? " Like a cancer, that multitude dismantled every aspect of her political and physical being." That is disgracefull! The article does nothing but play on the "typical" mexican stereo type which is wrong wrong WRONG on SO many levels.

"When mobs of illegals congregate in an American neighborhood, who is surprised that crime goes up? People who come illegally from Mexico often bring the "culture" of their home town with them, and that culture is the corrupt, immoral and scofflaw type that persists in Mexican cities." This just proves that whoever wrote this has no clue whatsoever when it comes to mexican culture and society. America is right near the top of the list when it comes to world crime rates and the article is implying that all mexicans are criminals? Mexico ranks close to 50th in the grand scheme of things (figures proportionate to population). In a 2000 poll, mexico was ranked the second most happiest nation on earth, after Nigeria. What little crime that exists in mexico is most non-violent and born out of the need to survive. Mexico is a third world nation and the majority of the population is impovrished and this can be largely attributed to the enourmous impact from the United States! Mexican culture is warm, friendly, beautiful, peacefull and highly religious (over 70% of the nation). This despite the hardships which plague most of mexico and her peoples. Most of the immigrants which enter the US wether legally or illegally usually come because they want to start a better life, to make a better life for themselves and their families, and more often than not, out of necessity just to survive. People looking to improve their circumstances dont move to new countries and start commiting crimes. Anyone else that thinks that might learn something from the movie "Crash".

I think the article is a disgusting racially discriminating compilation, which is totally opposite laws of spirit. The fact that the writer has so little respect for the people he sterotypes and promotes racial predjudice is disgraceful. Im sorry but Mexicans are not to blame for Americas problems, and again im disapointed that this article was ever posted on fourwinds to begin with. Ive always supported fourwinds since 2004, and i find this to be a big let down.



(Reponse from Reader)

----- Original Message -----

From: CP

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2006 12:46 PM

Subject: comment on tombstone

Dear Patrick and Anne,

I agree with the article, and yes there are many fine mexicans. The real answer is mexicans fixing Mexico. We have had a great influx in my city, and at the same time gangs arrived, murder increased and all the rest of the issues. I will say it isn't all mexicans, yes many are very nice,hard working people, they don't have to be citizens to work here, just like many americans and others who work all over the World.

It is a great hardship on the border communities, I suppose you could say that about New York, when the Irish flooded New York. I do feel sorry for the many mexicans

who suffer injustice, but again The People must fix their lovely country, get rid of the fear and demand change for all. Enough of that now. Los Angeles is a melting pot of many who arrived here in the last 40 years, they all bring their bad and I mean bad culture with them and want america to adjust. I don't buy that at all, never have.

Same story same dance.

In light and love,

