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"Hello, Central!" As I Think Like A Human, Plan B Conjures Up All Kinds Of Questions! (Updated 6:40 p.m. April 21, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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an' ....plan B conjures up all kinds of questions...

Questions like;

Can we take some of our 'comfort' items with our favorite book or pillow, my laptop computer..and if I am not with my golden retriever at the time of 'Beam~up' will he meet me up there...same with my family members,?? will we met aboard Ship even if they

don't know to follow the instructions and we are just not ready to 'spring' this *far out* revelation on them?

Once we are Beamed up...then what?.do we have a house to live we eat like we normally do and is there medical if one would need

that kind of attention.....esp. mental healing cause of the 'abrupt' change to our lives...

What do we do for entertainment aboard ship.....and well we be able to see the Earth and observe the 'changes' she will be going through...will prayer be we of Light have Always~Loved~Mother Earth~ and want the BEST for her...

I still think that NESARA MISSION TEAM OUGHT TO HAVE A 'GO' FIRST with Plan A...even if it doesn't seem 'Ripe-to-GO'

In Love and Light and petitioning for our next BEST Move into our Destined Evolution~



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 21, 2006


Dear NL:

Thank you for your interest in Plan B. I have given you only the immediate information you needed to have to understand how the rescue of Earth Shan's people would be done in case of Major earth changes (Plan B). I shall now try to answer some of your secondary questions.

When you step into a beam of light from a Starship for lift-off, take nothing with you. These personal items of a book pillow, laptop computer, etc. will only complicate matters by increasing the energy and vibrations needed to transport you to the ship. You will have everything that you need provided for you when you arrive aboard ship. Your family members, friends and pets will all be re-united with you in Inner Earth or on a Mother Ship later, depending on your choice of re-location. Either place will be to you like Paradise.

The Inner Earth is in very high frequencies and no evil is allowed there. You will be amazed at the mountains, lakes, forests and fields and their crystal cities, where everyone is happy and healthy. You will be provided with free housing and free everything, and the food you enjoy eating. You will travel by space vehicles and travel and explore what you wish. Everyone does something helpful for the common good. Your time will be spent working at what you enjoy doing, learning in a classroom type setting, relaxing with family and friends in recreation, travel etc., and resting in mediation and sleep.

The same is true for your experience aboard a Mothership. One person told me he wants to farm. Fine! Motherships are very large. The Phoenix is four times larger than our planet Earth Shan. It is hard to imagine this, but Motherships have all the physical features found on our planet. If you wish to farm, you can do so to your heart's content.

All your health needs will be met with very advanced space technology. You will experience physical healing, and mental healing, for example, for those experiencing trauma from their re-location experience. Spiritual advancement will be encouraged, and prayer is always appropriate. We help others, regardless of where they are, by sending them Love and Light. This positive energy adds to their aura energy to greatly assist them in their own advancement to ascension to 5D. The same holds true for our Mother Earth. We need to seriously support her with positive energy during her time of cleansing and earth crust adjustment. We love her for she has nurtured us for eons of time, as a 3D planet and a schoolhouse for our many lessons in soul growth.

Many may feel disappointment, if we do not complete Plan A, as we had hoped. You may have planned on getting your prosperity program and Farm Claim funds to do great things for humanity. You may have planned to be able to not work a survival job, to rest, relax and travel a bit and enjoy seeing some of what is left of our beautiful Earth Shan. You may have planned to do great things in helping the Star People clean up our planet, or to assist with healing, or to work with free energy. Know that your good intent is recorded in Heaven, as having already been done, and what you are to experience under Plan B will far surpass your wildest imaginations and greatest joys.

It is asked, "How long will it be before we can return to Earth Shan after her 'house-cleaning' and re-vamping have occurred?" In the Phoenix Journalsl God Aton says this transition into a pristine planet with 5D frequencies for our Mother Earth will require about three thousand years. To us in the 3D illusion, that seems like a very long time. In 4D and 5D that time will pass very quickly, and if we choose to return to Earth Shan, the time will have passed "before we know it!"

Stay open, my friend, to the possibilities that lie ahead, and know that great change is about to burst forth upon our planet. Whatever happens, the Light wins! Keep your own world stable by holding peace and joy within your heart!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DL

Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 4:10 PM

Subject: Re: People of the Light: Plan "B" Evacuation

Re: People of the Light: Plan "B" Evacuation

Yes, the time has finally come. This is exactly what Hilda Charlton was teaching and talking about 25 years ago. She told us that we were all programmed into the computers on the ships and that they could track us werever we were on a moments notice. We would all we lifted up along with our families and pets. She took us up on the ships and showed our rooms and our work stations. We were told not to worry and not to hesitate when called. Do not worry about family while you are ay work. They will be picked up too from work

or home or school. She said to stay out of fear, to stay in love. Or as is said in the Course in Miracles,"Love is letting go of fear." And remember what Hilda said," Don't worry kids. I read the book. I read the last chapter. Everythingcomes our alright."

Also, Tuella's first book (apx.1982) outlines this same scenario. She was channeling for the Ashtar Command and it was called, "Project World Evacuation." I still have my copy of it. It talks of the preparations so that when major world changes occur,

all lightworkers would be lifted up and would remain on board the ships until it was safe for us to return and rebuild the Earth. So be it. So it begins. This is our graduatuion, our commencement. This is the beginning of the promise that was made to all of us and the beginning of our 'millenium of peace.' We are the golden grains of wheat;the chaff can stay behind. Remain in light and love and we will all make this

transition together. Namaste,