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"Hello, Central!" What Happens To Those Who Commit Suicide? Will They Go To Hell?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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en his girlfriend left him. What happens to those who commit suicide? Will they go to hell? Does such a place even exist? Or is it just a lie from the bible? Thankful for response. God bless you all.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 20, 2006


Dear PM:

Thank you for your letter from Finland. According to the Laws of Creator God Aton and Creation, as written in Phoenix Journal # 27, Law number 7, Suicide, is self-murder. We are not to commit murder of ourself or of anyone else. By self-murder we break our soul contract with Creator God for our lessons in soul growth in this present lifestream.

There is a hell planet but we do not go there. One who ends his own physical life returns to the Astral Plane (4D) to judge himself before Creator God Aton. Then he decides where he shall go to continue is lessons in soul growth. Suicide is like dropping out of school. You stall your learning for a time until you decide to go back to school. Then you will pick up where you left off. Suicide is really a cop-out or a way to avoid for now the lessons you are to learn to advance in your spiritual growth.

We may choose to take detours in our pathway of soul growth back to Creator Source and perfection, but at some point we must return to our true pathway, our school room and pass the tests to graduate out of our 3D existence. Most of us have returned lifestream after lifestream on the Great Wheel of Reincarnation, and it is time to get off that wheel and graduate to the fifth dimension of peace, abundance, freedom, health and happiness.

Many people have feelings of guilt over a friend or loved one, who has committed suicide, thinking that they are partly responsible for that person's death. Everyone chooses when they will die and leave the physical plane, regardless of how they die. We are in error when we think that people die by accident. There are no accidents or mistakes in our physical living and dying. All happens for a reason, and no one is responsible for another's choices in life or in death. That is the meaning of freewill.

The Hell Planet is for those, who have repeatedly and deliberately broken the Laws of God and Creation, and who refuse to change. They have caused much death and destruction and are at the point of being uncreated or vaporized by Creator God. On the Hell Planet they have one last chance to return to the Light. After eons of time that tiny spark of Light left within them may flicker and finally grow enough for them to try again to walk the pathway back to the Light.

On the Hell Planet there is no Light, meaning there is no love, kindness or goodness of any kind whatsoever. All is evil. We have all been there and done that at sometime in our past lifestreams. We have all been both the victim and the victimizer for our lessons in soul growth to perfection. The lessons have taught us the repulsion and disgust we feel for such evil in our world today. That is why we do not understand why people would do the evil things they do. That is why we fail to understand why a person would commit suicide!

We would seek help or find a way to deal with life's problems and not cop-out by suicide, because we have gained the resources within and have the spiritual connections to make us strong enough to win. Having learned our lessons well, we can stand against any evil force that may come against us. That is when we graduate into the fifth dimension, our coming Golden Age.

As Lightworkers we need to recognize those who are in deep depression and despair and help them to tap into their inner power of their God Spirit. By helping such people to avoid suicide, they can make great leaps forward in soul growth in their present lifestream, and avoid many long and painful detours. Our task is to help people to stay in the classroom and not drop out of school! The suicidal person needs someone to be there for them. It only takes one!

We send Love and Light to your friend who has dropped out of school. Just like us, he will be back!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer