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"Hello, Central! Creator God Has Things Backwards. When Will The BB&G's Be Held Accountable? Why Do The Lightworkers Have To Leave and Then Return To A Mess? (Updated April 27,2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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t a really bad crime on earth, I would be picked up by the police, have my mock trial, and then be sent away to jail. As a person, I would lose my freedom and free will for a certain amount of time. So, my point is, you have all these Bad Boys and Girls breaking all kind of major BIG TIME earth laws and galactic laws and God only knows how many other laws. So, why doesn't Creator God just take THEM off this earth, give them their little trial, and put them somewhere else for awhile (earth 2?). Then NESARA can be announced, First Contact made, and we can begin to clean up the mess.- Clean up the air, clean up the water, clean up the earth. The earth does not have to go through any big changes, we get to keep our homes, family, friends, pets, etc. and it's a win win for everyone.

I just have one BIG question....Why do WE, THE PEOPLE OF LIGHT have to leave our homes, the earth go through major changes and then we are returned? Frankly, the idea of coming back to a Katrina situation is not very appealing to me or anyone. Dead bodies everywhere, my home destroyed, ships sitting in the middle of a freeway, no food or water, etc., etc. etc.

Why do the light workers have to leave? Why don't we just deport (Plan D) the Bad Boys and Girls or put them in little orange jumper suites with chain and have THEM clean up the mess that THEY created and then put them on earth 2. When are they going to be held accountable?

I think Creator God of this universe has got things a little backwards and is protecting the evil doers a little tooooo much. I have been following your web page for a number of years now and don't you feel this whole game has gotten to the point of ridiculousness? I mean really!!!! Come on, enough is enough!!!! I mean their is compassion for mankind and then their is stupidity and frankly I think things are reaching towards the latter at this point.

I would love to hear your comments on this letter.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 25, 2006


Dear K:

Thank you for your letter and questions.

Creator God and the Forces of Light have removed great numbers of Illuminati, Luciferian troops, and Satanic controllers from Earth Shan and disabled all their technology. They have removed all evil 4D alien beings from our planet. Only some of the minions of these evil ones remain and are being given one last chance to return to the Light.

We have been given 19 years to clean up Mother Earth but have accomplished very little in that time. Time has run out for her and she is dying. Now she must act to save herself.

Earth Shan is not our home We have lived here in 3D so long that we have forgotten our home in the Stars. We are all returned Masters and came back this lifestream to help with planet Earth's transition into 5D. It is time for us to move on, to go home or to go to a new "school". We have done a good job. We have not failed.

Should we choose to return to Earth Shan, we will return to a Garden of Eden. You have the wrong concept of the future of our planet. We would return only when she was a pristine planet again in 5D. Mother Earth will be in 5D where no evil is allowed. The Darkside must leave and will never be allowed here ever again.

No one will be forced to leave Earth Shan. You may choose to stay, if you wish, but major earth changes will be very difficult to survive. During such changes on other planets, there are those who have chosen to stay, and some have survived with the help of the Star People. You would need to relocate to the high mountain regions. You would also need to know which mountain regions will remain, for some will disappear during the coming changes.

When you truly realize the paradise to which you are going, as a Lightworker, you will probably be most glad to leave this 3D place, regardless of her fading beauty. Anyone who chooses to be evacuated, when that time arrives, will gain great soul growth in the process.

It is most unwise to call Creator God Aton stupid. You are the one who is stupid and have things backwards. Ego always focuses on materialism and selfishness to lead us from our pathway. We are not in the position to out-guess or to challenge our Creator's plan for our universe or our planet. Our mission is to learn our own lessons in soul growth and follow our pathway back to the Stars.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: K


Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:23 PM

Subject: Dear Bellringer,

In response to your letter to me.....No one is stupid. Certainly not Creator God, me, or you since by calling me stupid, you have called yourself stupid. There are just some things that my friends and me do not understand. We have followed the NESARA game now for many years with somewhat disbelief on how the job does not seem to get done... Mainly our questions are:

1. If the light is more powerful than the dark then....Why aren't the prosperity packets being delivered? If this is God's will and many ascended master's will, Why, even with prayers of divine intervention, does it not happen, that Plan A does not happen?

2. Why doesn't Creator God just remove all and anyone interfering with the deliveries. Like you said, I understand many dark beings have been removed but not to the point of successfully completing the deliveries. And that is the BIG word here...success. All we see and hear on this end is that things are not getting done as planned, hence Plan A, B, C, D,....

3. I understand the earth changes are to happen. There are 7 BIG unchangeable earth changes that are to happen that will cause major shifting of continents and other things on the planet. This was to happen from now until 2012. I understand the earth will ascend into the 5th dimension (or higher) and things will be glorious. What I don't understand in your message is.....With the star people picking us up, will this 2012 event be happening sooner than later now? This would be fine with me. Or will the star ships pick us up and hold us there till all the earth changes happen over the next 6 years (or mabye less?) and then put us back down on earth in our ascended lighteded bodies? I understand some people may choose not to return but a lot will.

4. If the big earth changes happen and the earth is glorious in the end like you said then, Will there be a need to clean anything up or will the earth changes take care of this? Or will the star ships help with the clean up like I read on some spiritual web pages.

Well, I could go on but I would appreciiate an answer to the above questions.


P.s. Thank you for taking the time to read these messages and respond. I appreciate your service. Yes, it has been quite a struggle these last few years and many of us light workers are tired beyond measure. The NESARA money holds little interest for me. I personally would like to see the planet and the people on it return to their state of beauty, health. safety, and love.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 27, 2006


Dear K:

Forgive me if I misunderstood your application of "stupidity". You were ordering creator God around a bit, which is not wise! To answer Questions 1 & 2 I have explained this many times. We live on a freewilled planet. You chose to participate. The Higher Realms by Cosmic Law can not interfere except by special decree, and then only to a point. Bottom line is 3D decisions must be made and action started, then the Forces of Light can help us, if we ask them.

Those in those positions to decide and take action for goodness are constantly failing to do so. We are frustrated because, if it were up to us we would decide and act for goodness. Why, because we have already learned those lessons. Now, it is up to others to learn their lessons, who are in those positions. In the meantime we world waits for them to act.

Let us consider questions 3 & 4. If evacuation occurs now, obviously the people will not move with Earth Shan into 5D at this time. The Golden Age is postponed for 3000 years, while Mother Earth cleanses herself and revamps her surface. No one will return to Earth Shan unless they are in 5D. Most of the people picked up in evacuation will move to other 3D worlds to continue with their 3D lessons not completed here. Those returning in 5D to Mother Earth will return to a pristine planet totally beautiful, a paradise like the Garden of Eden. They will return to create a civilization in Heaven on Earth.

These past 19 years of wasting time and not helping our planet to recover is serious business. People have lived their lives in Sodom and Gomorrah, like there was no tomorrow, not caring about goodness. Now, when it is too late to restore our planet, they still sleep. They do not deserve to go into 5D with her. They have not learned their lessons.

Those of us who are awake will do all we can to help her, before we are forced to get off her and go on with our own lessons in soul growth. Whatever happens now, the time is short. There are not six years! Because time is speeded up, 2012 is really 2008. That is only 1 1/2 years to 5D change-over! Mother Earth understands the urgency. We don't!

Restoring the wealth to the people is a necessary part of bringing balance and harmony to our planet again. She will be restored to her original beauty, but not under Plan A. We may accomplish portions of Plan C. We shall see. Mother Earth is dying fast and time has run out for us to accomplish Plan A.

Our task is to also create positive energy to raise the frequencies high enough to impact the auras of those in positions of authority. When it gets "hot" enough they will act for goodness. That is why we continue to send them Love and Light.

May we do the same for Mother Earth, that she will be enabled to wait a bit longer for her wayward people to respond. Keep hope alive for great miracles to yet happen. Anything is possible in the Realms of Light.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer