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"Hello, Central!" Ego Wars Are Being Fought By Satanic Power Hungry People To Destroy Us. We Must Take Them Down By Marching In The Streets For Peace and Love

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ays with their toys these beings manage to get into positions of power. They embody the “lucifer” or satanic DNA. They know not “Love”. They are Ego oriented with greed and lust for power at any cost. They want to be God. They fight among themselves as the gods did in days of old. They cause thousands of their people to die for the sake of their ego. They know not Love, only greed and lust for power and control.

Love always finds a way to settle anything. They have not Love, only big Egos, which determine to be the only one in power. They have to be brought down, before they cause the destruction of everything on the planet. Do what you can do to bring about the downfall of these satanic beings. Hit the streets world wide. March for peace and Love for humanity, our planet and its inhabitants..



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 19, 2006


Dear RS:

Do you really think that your 3D plan to march in the streets for peace and love is the only option for change left to us? Are you willing to become a martyr for your cause? Then what?

Hatonn/Aton said some time ago, "I want no more martyrs!" Why? You are no good to anyone when you're dead! Marching in the streets is so 3D. As Lightworkers we are way beyond such elementary tactics of change. We have the power of thought at our disposal, the most powerful force in the universe, if we but use it.

Bringing peace and love to our world begins with you and me. We show peace and love in our homes and communities, and by thought we project peace and love to all negative people and areas of our world. Thoughts are packets of energy that go out into the ethers, which are returned to us in like kind but in multiple amount. When we send out positive energy of peace and love, this cancels out the negative energies of hate and chaos.

Our main problem in bringing change in our world today is that few people really understand their thought-power potential for change. Gradually, people are waking up and taking back their power of thought. The recent video "The Secret" is helping many to understand this ancient concept.

Marching in the street won't "cut it", my friend. You can do far more good by using your power of thought, the power of creation, to bring change to goodness. That is why it is said that "What you think about, comes about!" Creator God thought, and Creation began. We have that same power, so let us think and use that energy to create our Golden Age of Peace and Love. Those who cannot "think", won't make it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: RS


Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 7:37 PM

Subject: Re: Ego Wars

No Sir, I do not think hitting the streets is the only option. I do believe it is one very powerful option, for those who are so inclined. I am 80 so I couldnt do much of that. I believe the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Another very, very powerful option, which I do.

I hope others who cant march are doing something as they are led. Everyone needs to get on board with their positive thoughts, Love, and whatever else they are led to do. Positive prayer and faith are things we all can do. God Bless