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Bellringers Corner Hello Central

"Hello, Central!" Why Is It, "This Month" Or "This Week", "Everything Is Going To Be All Right", And Yet It Never Is? You Have Been Leading Us On Like This For Years

"Hello, Central!" I Would Like To Know The Truth And Nothing But The Truth. We Don't Need A Bunch Of Crap!

"Hello, Central!" The Paternal Grandmother of Esu Sananda Says "God Has Shut The Door On Their Non-Repentant Hearts". Does This Mean That I Am Now Lost?

"Hello, Central!" Greetings For A New And Golden New Age

"Hello, Central!" I Am Doing My Best To Add Light And Love To This Dirty Little Mess

"Hello, Central! I Cannot Take It Anymore! I'm Turning My Life In Another Direction! (Another Lightworker Bit the Dust! Quite Sad!)

"Hello, Central!" I Have Lost My Faith In NESARA! I Feel I Have Wasted My Time And Made A Fool Of Myself!

"Hello, Central!" Why Don't You Talk About The Death And Resurrection Of Jesus And Being Saved? What Happens To A Person When He Dies, And How Does God Talk To You?

"Hello, Central!" Can You Explain For Me Linear Time And The Holographic Universe Concept?

"Hello, Central!" You Write That "It Is Done" And "It Is Finished!" And "NESARA Is Here", And Yet, Nothing Has Changed. I Am Really Confused!

"Hello, Central!" I Have Tried, But I Have Been Unable To Quit My Addictions. Can You Help Me?

"Hello, Central!" Can You Go Into More Detail About The Spaceship Capricorn?

"Hello, Central!" Is It True What Candace/Christ Michael In Her Message Of December 13, 2005 Is Saying About You and Fourwinds?

"Hello, Central!" How We We Fight An Invisible War When The Enemy Controls Everything, And People Like Alex Jones Call NESARA A Scam And A Sham?"

"Hello, Central!" My Four Year Old Daughter Has Talked About God, Guides, Beings And Christs, "Fourwinds Stuff" for More Than A Year. What's Going On? Do You Have Any Advice For Us As A Family?

"Hello, Central!" Who Am I? Have I Ever Done Anything Worthwhile? I Feel So Unworthy. I Need Words Of Encouragement!

"Hello, Central!" "My Wife Of Sixteen Years Is Hooked Into "The Matrix" And Is Now Having "Panic Attacks!" Why Is This Happening? Is It Due To Changing Earth Frequencies?

"Hello, Central!" Would You Share Your Thoughts ON Why We See No Good Changes, About Our Solar System Friends And About The Ongoing Reptilian Attacks And Illuminati Karma Games?

"Hello, Central!" Can You Answer My Questions About Ghosts, Evil Spirits, Demons And Spirit Guides?

I Love "YOU" And Appreciate "YOU"