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"Hello, Central!" The Paternal Grandmother of Esu Sananda Says "God Has Shut The Door On Their Non-Repentant Hearts". Does This Mean That I Am Now Lost?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ge it states, "God has shut the door on their non-repentant hearts" and "The ears of Heaven have closed to the disobedient". I found these comments scary and I have some confusion with them. I have written you several times, seeking guidance and prayer concerning my life struggles in this current lifestream. I have been battling addictions and trying to change my thoughts to the Light. I believe greatly in the Truth that I have discovered here at Fourwinds and in the Pheonix Journals... but at the same time, I realize I am not doing my best in following the Laws of God Aton and the Creation. I still struggle daily and everyday and night I ask for forgiveness and for my ears to hear and listen to my God Spirit within. Do those two statements from this message mean I am now lost? That it is now too late for me to Ascend with Earth Shan? Why would I have discovered Truth in this lifestream if I am going to repeat more 3D lifestreams and forget this Truth when I return in another life? Perhaps, I am listening to the Antichrist within (Fear) and my visions have become foggy. I want so badly to heal this Earth and co-create Paradise here on Earth Shan. I know I have faults and daily sins, but my heart seeks the Light. What is to become of me, friend? Thank you kindly for listening to my questions. Many blessings to you and those at Fourwinds.

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 22, 2006


Dear DE:

Be at peace, my friend. Creator God always grants mercy to anyone who turns to the Light at any time.

You have not turned away from the Light of Truth. You are only struggling, like many of us, to follow your pathway toward the Light. God has shut the door on those who have refused time after time to repent. We are leaving 3D and our tired Earth Shan cannot wait any longer for the Darkside to repent. We are moving on!

I honor you in your determination to follow the Laws of God and Creation. Know that you have help to do so, if you but ask. Ask your Guardian Angels to help you. Put them to work, but they will help only when they are asked. They will not interfere with your freewill.

Remember to tackle your problems one at a time. Question: How do you move a mountain? Answer: One shovel full at a time! The same goes for living in 3D. We deal with our problems and conquer them one at a time. Then "presto," looking back we see that we have moved a mountain. Keep hope alive for a new day and a new world coming soon.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
