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"Hello, Central!" Can You Go Into More Detail About The Spaceship Capricorn?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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DATE: Dec. 18, 2005


Dear WK:

You have asked for more information about the "Spaceship Capricorn". The "Capricorn" that is referenced in the Capricorn Reports from Captain Helena through Lavar, does not physically exist. It is a hologram and not a physical spaceship that exists in the sky, as you have been led to believe. The Capricorn and the Capricorn Reports along with Captain Helena and Lavar are all a creation of the Illuminati minions. They have had great fun playing this joke upon the Lightworkers.

One of their Illuminati minions, who lives in the mountains overlooking the Salt Lake City, Utah International Airport, uses the fictious name, Lavar, and has impersonated a scientist with a laboratory, who supposedly is working on free-energy devices in Salt Lake City. He pretends to receive messages daily from a fake Captain Helena on the fake starship, Capricorn.

You may have noticed that Creator Source referred to Bopart of the 10th Sign in each of the last two Declarations. In astrology the "goat constellation" of stars is called the Capricorn constellation, and baphomet (bopart) is the Illuminati symbol of a person with a goat head. The 10th sign of the Zodiac is again, Capricorn or the goat. So, Creator Source was clearly referring to the fake Capricorn starship hologram creators in that statement, and that they would be chastised for their disinformation and misleading of many people. It is interesting to note that near the end of the Roman civilization the word "lavar" was used by barbarians for a "speaking stone" that was said to call out when a dead body was placed upon it. Lavar was a word used by the earlier Luciferian cults.

Captain Helena is only a fictious name used in the Capricorn reports and not a real person. If you have noticed, the Capricorn website is owned by the Luciferian Trust and gives no e-mail addresses for either Lavar or Captain Helena. There is no way to reach these people because they do not exist. The website is only a front for the Illuminati minions behind the scenes who are creating all the nonsensical and repetitious Capricorn Reports. These reports are supposedly based on information gathered from 3D telepathic people and compiled by Helena of 4D aboard the Capricorn starship.

Many Lightworkers have been kept confused and stressed for many months over NESARA by these reports. Many good people in the Salt Lake City area have been identified and placed on the Illuminati black lists, when they contacted editors and T.V. and radio station reporters to prepare for a starship shuttle landing on the Salt Lake City International Airport on runway #2 bordering U.S. Highway #40.

Know, my friend, that this is another hoax perpetrated on the people by the Darkside. It is interesting to note that Candace Frieze, also, has been tricked by this Capricorn hoax. In her message entitled, "Santa Claus is Not Coming to Town" dated December 4, 2005, Candace indicates she is cooperating with Helena in planning a landing in the Denver Metro area. Helena is offering rides and Candace says she will be on the first ride.

There is no Sananda on the Capricorn as Helena claims, because the Capricorn does not exist. Sananda is with Hatonn/Christ Michael on the Phoenix and on other ships, such as the New Jerusalem, and of course, the Capricorn is not the New Jerusalem as Helena claims. The New Jerusalem is a very large mothership parked out beyond Jupiter. If it were to come closer the New Jerusalem would upset Earth Shan's gravitational and electro-magnetic fields. Only small shuttle craft can land on our planet without upsetting our electrical and electronic systems.

Know that First Contact will involve thousands of starships all over Earth Shan, so you would be wise to back-up your computer systems with either CD's or DVD's and not hard drives, because hard drives are magnetically recorded and can be erased by magnetic interference from the starships.

So much for the Capricorn hoax. The plan is still to announce NESARA before Christmas, 2005, and Christmas is only one week away! Isn't this exciting?

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a most joyous New Year!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
