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"Hello, Central!" Who Am I? Have I Ever Done Anything Worthwhile? I Feel So Unworthy. I Need Words Of Encouragement!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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own heart and mind. I always have known this.

I am wondering if I ever participated in the original formation of this country. If I ever knew you or, if in my past, I ever did anything worthy for the cause of freedom, justice and Liberty.

If money, power, fame and position are as great and desirable as people on Earth make them out to be, then you can clearly see why I and many others on Earth are feeling “second best” and are depressed about our own personal situations. Nevertheless, many people are even more “unfortunate” than us. This has to impact the entire world situation to a great degree, when so many are hurting and unfulfilled.

Doesn’t this warrant asking such a question as; who am I? Have I ever done anything in Earth’s history that will ever make me FEEL worthy enough to attempt to carry on each new day? I want to feel great but the struggle for survival, recognition and happiness is a huge challenge on Earth for most all of us. Discouragement is so easy to come by.

A few words of encouragement would be helpful and bring understanding as to my current situation and the reason for feeling as I do now and wondering if I Am really worthy to say; “I Am somebody too”!.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 7, 2005


Dear WK:

Thank you for writing. We have had manly past lifestreams on Earth Shan. Many of us were wealthy in other lifestreams and took a vow of poverty in this one to balance out our karma. The Lightworkers I know today are poor. You probably had a past life with the founding fathers of this nation. Many of us did, and have returned to help establish this nation anew.

We are passing through the ending period of pain and suffering, as the Darkside exists Earth Shan, and the karma is cleaned up, finally. We are never given lessons too hard for us, and we always have help, if we ask for it.

Your feeling of drifting, of having little value, aloneness and even depression is a phase we are passing through, as our frequencies raise and our carbon cells are converted to crystalline cells to adjust for these higher frequencies. We are waiting for change. We are longing to "get on with the show". Some are wanting to go home to their home in the Stars. We offered to help with this mission, and the mission is nearly complete. We want it over with and done. Many of us are sick of 3D. We are in 4D but must still live in this old 3D world, and the energies clash.

You long to be free, for everyone to be free! Our world cries, "Give us liberty! Give us peace!" We ask, "When will it ever end?" I answer, "Soon, my friend, soon!"

The Lightworkers of Earth Shan have done a great work. Some have been crushed under the load. Some have fallen into the Shadows, but most have survived and carried their mission to completion. We have guided Earth Shan, our Starship, through treacherous waters and into safe harbor. Our task now is to hold the "ropes" of high energy tight, as she is being anchored to her new mooring of 5D.

The energies are different, and we are adjusting to them. We are in the "pause" between worlds. We are anxious to be done with the old world, but we are uncertain of where the future will take us. We want to do something to make a difference, to get started cleaning the decks of our Starship, but we are uncertain of what to do and how to do it. So we hurry up and wait, frustrated about the waiting, but with energy to burn.

My friend, we have been together in the past in these Grand Experiments on Earth Shan. Who are you? You are a great "warrior" and worthy of the highest honor. You will be astonished at your past, when your memory is returned to you. Go within and discern if this is not true.

Fear, doubt and discouragement are all great tools of the Darkside to defeat us, and they have used them well, but we have not been defeated. Why, because we have the greater tools of the Light! We have Love, and Hope, and Compassion and Integrity and Truth! We have the Power of Creation, the Power of Thought to create new, and we have the Forces of Light to back us up.

This is the pause between worlds, my friend. Hold the rope tight and our Starship steady, as these last waves thrash the dock. You are needed! The crew needs you! The passengers need you! You need you!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
