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"Hello, Central!" Is It True What Candace/Christ Michael In Her Message Of December 13, 2005 Is Saying About You and Fourwinds?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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this message says that you have altered or changed the text on some of the new unpublished Phoenix Journals, about which Christ Michael is not real happy. Is this true?

I, and I'm sure many others would like to hear your side of this story. Please reply. Thank you.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 16, 2005


Dear JB:

It saddens me that you even need to ask these questions. The track record of Fourwinds and myself of years of presenting Truth with integrity, in spite of the constant attacks by the Darkside, should speak for itself. In all this time have you not learned discernment, my friend?

The Mission of Fourwinds, when we began our work many years ago, was to present Truth one last time to the "ends of the earth", as Esu Immanuel had foretold would happen. We have returned in this lifestream to do that very thing. In the early 1990's the Phoenix Journals were revealed to us by Creator God Christ Michael, and Fourwinds was Divinely appointed the Guardians and Keepers of the Phoenix Journals. This we have faithfully done.

Because of our Mission of presenting Truth to the world, we were immediately targeted by the Darkside and have been under their constant evil attacks ever since. Every technology and person imaginable have been used against us to try and stop our work. All has failed because we have asked for and have received complete and permanent Divine protection. We have starships constantly over our location wherever we are and Angelic Guards and Guides constantly with us. In addition to this we have a plasma bubble that protects us from any and all technology that the Darkside could possibly use against us. This plasma bubble totally surrounds us, even under the earth, and nothing of Dark intent can penetrate it.

It is with great humbleness and thankfulness that we acknowledge this protection from the Lighted Realms, and we encourage all people of good intent to request such Divine protection for themselves. Once you have asked for it, believe that you have it and you do. Doubt and you don't. It is that simple, a matter of thought, the most powerful force in the Cosmos.

You have asked specifically about Candace Frieze's message of December 13, 2005 from Christ Michael. Your words, "Christ Michael says that your two recent messages from 'Creator Source' are not from him and that he has contacted you about this. Is this true?" It is true that the two "Declarations", one on December 3, 2005 and one on December 11, 2005, were not from Creator God Christ Michael. They were from Creator Source. Both you and Candace should know that Creator Source and Creator God Christ Michael are two different entities. Creator Source is the Creator of All That Is, including you and me and Christ Michael and Candace.

Those two "Declarations" from Creator Source decree the end of Darkness on Earth Shan. As a result of the first "Declaration" of December 3, 2005, the last of Lucifer's troops vacated Earth Shan on Thursday, December 8, 2005. The Darkside has been ordered to return to the Light or to immediately leave our planet. That is now happening, and finally NESARA is being moved into position for implementation.

I am in constant contact with my old friend Hatonn/Christ Michael, and there was no need for him to speak to me about the "Declaration" from Creator Source. He did speak to me about the imposter that was giving false information in his name to Candace Frieze. I have refrained from addressing this latest attack on Fourwinds and myself by Candace Frieze to avoid drawing attention to this nonsense by the Darkside, and because I felt that Truthseekers could find the Truth through their own discernment. Apparently, this is not the case for you and many others.

Your second question addresses the issue of altering the unpublished Phoenix Journals. Your words, "This message (from Candace/Christ Michael) says that you have altered or changed the text on some of the new unpublished Phoenix Journals, about which Christ Michael is not real happy. Is this true?"

As the Divinely appointed Guardians and Keepers of the Phoenix Journals, why would we alter them? We were entrusted with this Mission because of our integrity, and we shall not betray that trust, ever. Upon my honor I give you my word that nothing in any of the published or unpublished Phoenix Journals in our possession have ever been altered or changed in any way by myself or anyone here at Fourwinds. These Journals were presented to us by Creator God Hatonn/Christ Michael, himself, with the help of Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended Masters, and are Divinely protected. Also, let it be known that Christ Michael is very happy with our presentation of the Phoenix Journals on the World Wide Web, a technology unknown to us a century ago, and we would not have Divine protection today if this were not so.

As you know, over time many true and faithful Lightworkers have slipped into the Shadows. Many Lightworkers have come to Fourwinds and have asked for our help. We have helped them to the best of our abilities and resources. Then they have moved on to follow their own pathways. Candace Frieze has done the same.

On February 12, 2005 we voluntarily posted six of Candace's messages on Fourwinds. From then on Candace Frieze anticipated that we would post them for her to give her a much wider audience. Then she expected us to do so, and finally demanded that we do so. Candace's spiritual mission is of her own creation, and we at Fourwinds have had no part in it other than to post forty-nine of her messages. I have had no communication with Candace since November 9, 2005, when she claimed she was an Ascended Master in her own right at this time and needed not to further channel any Lighted Beings.

I am saddened that she has allowed ego to rule, and that she has now lost her Divine protection. It is wholly unacceptable for one to claim to be a Lightworker, and then use an imposter in the name of a Lighted Being of the Realms of Light to present a fake message to the world's people. Not only are you held accountable for your deceit, but also, for the karma you create by giving disinformation to those who are seeking Truth.

There are those with little or no discernment, who will say that this is all a big fight between Lightworkers, and that I am only adding to the chaos and confusion through this letter to you. That is certainly not my intent. You have asked for clarification, and that I have given to you.

I state further for your understanding that, as has happened to other Lightworkers in the past, when her protection was lost, Candace Frieze was "chipped" by the would-be spiritual masters of the Capricorn Starship and has been placed under their mind-control system. She is now being utilitzed by the CIA to present disinformation to confuse those searching for Truth. That is why we stopped any further posting of her messages on Fourwinds. Having said this, I expect that I shall again receive the full force and fury of another CIA mind-controlled attack from Candace. For better discernment you would be most wise to go back and read again these latest messages from Candace and compare them to her first ones posted on Fourwinds.

I do not write in anger or fear or ego but in compassion and the hope that those who seek Truth shall find it. Let us send Candace Frieze much Love and Light, for she is fighting to save her very soul. My friend, I write this letter to you with a heavy heart for those struggling against the Darkness. My greatest wish for you and for all people is to have peace and joy on Earth Shan this Christmas and goodwill among all in this New Year. Joy to the World! The Christ is come within and without!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
