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"Hello, Central!" Greetings For A New And Golden New Age

Patrick H. Bellringer

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tor Source and the High Councils... you've had some tough explaining to do these last couple of months and I love your responses to those who's 'Souls and Wills' are just not as develped and refined for this kind of 'job'....

I feel so comfortable and at "peace" with whats been happening that I jus' sort of lean back and put my hands behind my head and just create a big..:)) I almost feel this transition of EarthShan is just a rehash of past times that I've "volunteered" for these kinds of assignments.. I know many of us, I think are tired and finally thru with carrying out these karmic roles of light..were ready to "go home".

If you think its a help to the many who are trudging along and still feel 'stuck in the muck', go ahead and post this...maybe it will help others feel that what their doing for the LIGHT is so SACRED and HOLY...they can't even begin to see what Great Souls they really are....They truely are all to be commended ....and BELIEVE ME FELLOW BEINGS OF LIGHT YOU WILL BE REMEMBERED AND COMMENDED!

Thanks again Pat for providing such a great forum and news service for all on EarthShan and all those Beings Off EarthShan who have come to help us. Many, many thank you's of gratitude to all of those in the "FEDERATION" ...and especially, to our Creator Source, Christ Michael whos' light is NEVER EVER FAILING!!

In and Of The Light to ALL, I Pranam to YOU!



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 17, 2006


Dear M:

Happy New Golden Age to you, too! Indeed, we thank you and all those others, who have been faithful to the task this trip back to Earth Shan. We thank all who have helped us along the way. We especially thank the Lighted Realms/The Hosts of Heaven, who have come to our aid. We rejoice as One, for the Light has Won!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
