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"Hello, Central!" Can You Answer My Questions About Ghosts, Evil Spirits, Demons And Spirit Guides?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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I have some questions I am hoping you can answer for me!

1) Do ghosts reside in 4D? I understand that 4D is a transitional stage between 3D and 5D, so how and why are these beings remaining in 4D? Why have they not been reincarnated?

2) Many people have exprerienced what they call 'pure evil' entities, physically attacking them and possessing their bodies. How are these beings existing in two dimensions at once? How have they 'dodged' the sorting of 4D to become powerful evil entities, able to manipulate those in 3D?

3) What are demons? Are they merely evil spirits who seek power by terrorising 3D beings?

4) How do ghosts differ from our spirit guides and those of the Lighted Realms?

I hope you can enlighten me, I am truly interested in understanding our 'reality' and hope to fullfil my soul's destiny here on Earth Shan and ascend. I believe any information will help me.

Love and peace to you Patrick, and to All



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 5, 2005


Dear K:

Thank you for writing. I shall try to answer your questions in sequence.

Q. 1: 4D is also known as the Astral Plane, or transition plane between 3D and 5D. When one physically dies in 3D, your soul goes to the Astral Plane. There you stand before Creator God, and there you judge yourself according to the Laws of God and Creation. Then you go on to your next lifestream in 3D to learn your lessons in soul growth as you progress back to Creator Source and perfection, or you graduate into 5D.

All spirits are of 4D and higher dimensions. Evil spirits are of 4D, as no evil is allowed in 5D and higher dimensions. Evil spirits are allowed to roam in 3D and are often searching for a physical body in which to manifest themselves, as they cannot have impact in a 3D world unless allowed into physical expression.

A ghost is a spirit (soul) without a physical body. A ghost may represent a person who died a physical death in 3D but was not allowed to leave 3D, due to grief and attachment of relatives and friends. They never let the person go! Such attachment may keep the "ghost" around for years and prevent that "ghost" from moving on to another reincarnation.

Q. 2: The Astral Plane has many levels of frequencies from very low (almost 3D) to very high (almost 5D). When you return to the Astral Plane, you go to the level that equates with your own frequencies. Obviously, kind and caring people would gravitate to the higher frequencies of the Astral Plane, and those of fearful, hateful and violent nature would go to the lowest frequency levels.

As it is harder to move upward in soul growth to the Light and easier to move downward into the Darkness, an evil person returning to the Astral Plane will go to the same frequency and often to a lower frequency than his own. There he may choose to return quickly to his old haunts and habits in 3D, as that is more comfortable. Many evil souls on the Astral Plane may choose to roam, searching for a physical body already in 3D in which to express. These evil spirits may enter a person and take control. Often more than one evil spirit will enter a person, when they are allowed to do so. They can enter a person in 3D only when they are allowed to do so by that person's freewill, and they must leave when that person tells them to do so.

Hatonn in the Phoenix Journals tells us that when one uses even a small amount of alcohol, the alcohol allows the crown of the head to be opened to evil spirits, who enter the brain and take control of the person, because the person's freewill is altered by the alcohol and is unable to stop the invasion of the evil spirits. These evil spirits attack those who are spiritually weak, of low frequencies, but they cannot possess someone unless they are invited in, just as they must leave when they are told to do so. You may wish to read of how Esu Immanuel dealt with the demons of 2000 years ago, as recorded in the Bible.

Q. 3: You are quite right. Demons are evil spirits who are aggressively seeking physical expression.

Q. 4: As I have suggested, there are spirits of Darkness and spirits of Light. Only Spirits of Light dwell in 5D and higher dimensions. These Spirits have many tasks which are designated by their titles. There are Angels, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, Arch Angels, Counselors, Teachers, Warriors, Ascended Masters, Seraphim, Healers, Cherubim, etc.

Our Spirit Guides of Light are always of 5D and higher. Ghosts are of 4D, unless we are visited by a Spirit of Light, who lowers their frequencies to our 3D frequencies, enabling us to see them. Those spirits of the Lighted Realms will never harm us or cause us fear. All spirits, no matter who, must obey our freewill. We have power over them at all times, if we but use it. They must obey our orders.

Know that we are also spirits in physical bodies, here in 3D to learn our lessons in soul growth. For further enlightenment into this area of the spiritual world, I encourage you to read Phoenix Journal #5, "From Here to Armageddon".

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
