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"Hello, Central!" My Four Year Old Daughter Has Talked About God, Guides, Beings And Christs, "Fourwinds Stuff" for More Than A Year. What's Going On? Do You Have Any Advice For Us As A Family?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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aughter says to me about God, Guides, Beings and Christs all sound a lot like what I read on Fourwinds website! Can that be?! My daughter has been saying and asking some pretty deep things since she was about 2 1/2 years old. So you could imagine the reactions I have when I'm reading information on your website that sound a lot like what my daughter said a year ago! Sometimes I find my mouth wide open and my eyes watering! I have a long list that I could e mail you of all the bizarre things she's said & done these past 2 1/2 years but I'll tell you the main one.

Since she was 2 she's had this 'friend' Charlie. I pretty much thought it was her imaginary friend because we don't know any Charlies. Then when she was 3 1/2 or so I asked her about Charlie because I was getting sort of concerned. We are a very spiritual family but we don't go to church. My daughter is extremely spiritual and sensitive. She said, "Charlie is mostly invisible here but I can see him once in awhile and he is so handsome. He has a face like us but his body is like the sun." She said, "It's hard to look at him because he's so bright like God up there with the other Jesuses"(Does she mean Christs?). She said "There are a lot of them up there." She told me Charlie gives her advice to be like them and have compassion and love for everything. It's weird to here a 4 yr old child talk about compassion let alone say the word. She says things about 'responsibility' too.

One time she told me we have to "be" or "become" them. I could go on and on about the things she tells me or the things she does. It's almost like she's psychic too or something. Is there something going on with the children these days? For some reason she has opened up to me. She won't talk to anyone about this except for me and her dad. At first my husband was feeling a little weird about it but now he told me he's thinks that Charlie is her Guide or Guardian Angel. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Do you have any advice for us as a family?

Thank you, Mrs. H.

p.s. oh, I forgot to tell you that I told my mom and she told me that even when my daughter was a baby she didn't seem like a baby. A lot of relatives would tell me that it freaked them out when my daughter would look at them because she has huge blue eyes and when she would look at them it was almost like she was looking through them. Weird. I don't know why but I had to tell you that. I should send you a picture of her so you would see what I'm talking about.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Mrs. H.

DATE: Dec. 12, 2005


Dear Mrs. H.:

Thank you for writing about your daughter. You have been blessed with an Indigo child. Many of these children have been born on Earth Shan in these last few years. They are here to teach us about the higher dimensions and to help us with the transition of Earth Shan and her people into 5D.

Your daughter is communicating with Angels and other beings of 5D and higher. You can learn much from her. Be open and try to understand what she is telling you.

There is much information available for parents of Indigo and crystal children that is helpful today. Go to

You are fortunate to have a wise husband. Together, your family are headed for a fun time and much enlightenment. Often Indigo children become problem children at home and in school when parents and teachers do not understand them. Your daughter chose you as parents for good reason.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
