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"Hello, Central!" Why Don't You Talk About The Death And Resurrection Of Jesus And Being Saved? What Happens To A Person When He Dies, And How Does God Talk To You?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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nothing about Jesus' having died and mankind's need of salvation? I realize that it's important to know about the former, but is knowledge of such things really of any value to one who

is not saved?

Could you tell me, what do you believe happens to a person when he or she dies? I've read several points of view on that topic, not all of which fits together, having come from different writers. (Speaking of that, how do you decide whose views to share?) I firmly believe what the Bible says on salvation and death, in short

that one must believe Jesus is the Son of God, that He died and rose again, and that it was out of love, for the purpose of saving the human race from eternal punishment.

I wonder too, why do you refer to the Father as "Hatonn" and Jesus as "Sananda"? Why not one of the Hebrew Names? And finally, how exactly does He talk to you? Audibly? I understand that you are a busy person, but I would very much appreciate it if you would answer these questions. Please don't worry about "stepping

on my toes" so to speak. I want to know what you honestly believe. Thank you so much for your time.


Jesus' Love,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 12, 2006


Dear J:

Thank you for your letter and your questions. I honor you in your search for Truth.

The Laws of God and the Creation are also called "The Laws of Balance". These are all clearly stated for us in Phoenix Journal #27. On page 19 Esu Sananda begins with these words. "The highest command of the Law of Creation is: Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of the Creation".

J, this is what you are doing, seeking knowledge, seeking Truth to gain wisdom so you will be wise and follow the Laws of the Creation. There are not just ten commandments of God, but eighteen. Lucifer and his troops did not want us to know all these commandments, so they hid them from us. All eighteen are now available to us, as written in Phoenix Journal 27 by none other than Esu Sananda.

You asked about the name Sananda. This is a title which is earned after many years of study. On page 17 of this same Phoenix Journal, Esu says "I place my seal upon these words. I Am Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda of the Christed sacred circle of Infinity and ONE with the Father". I suggest that it would be most wise to read Phoenix Journals numbers 2 and 27 for your enlightenment. In so doing you will discover the answers to many questions that you are now asking.

You asked, so I shall be direct in my reply. I was a United Methodist minister and have studied and taught the Bible from cover to cover. I fully understand your questions about being "saved" and Jesus having died for our sins. The trick that Lucifer and Satan have played upon the Christians is that the Holy Bible is not as holy as we may think it is. Much of the Truth given to us by Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda 2000 years ago has been twisted to change Truth to lie.

For example, Esu did not die on the cross. He was taken down in a comatose state, recovered in the tomb with the help of his mother and friends, left Jerusalem in three days, confronted Saul/Paul on the way to Damascus, and then fled to India. There Esu traveled widely, teaching and healing many, married, had a family and a home in what we know today as Kashmir, and died at the age of 107.

In 1954 Esu Immanuel Jesus Sananda returned to our planet Earth Shan aboard the command ship for the Pleiadian Star Fleet, the Phoenix. He has walked our planet and been aboard ship preparing for his public arrival in what we call his "Second Coming". I am working with him and St. Germain, many other Ascended Masters and Creator God Hatonn/Aton and other Star People at this time.

J, the basic Cosmic Law is that of Cause and Effect. There is a cause for every effect and an effect for every cause. There are consequences or Karma for everything that we do. As Sananda puts it, we reap what we sow. Under God's Laws we are held responsible for what we do. We are here for our lessons in soul growth and these lessons will repeat until we learn them.

Therefore, no one can learn those lessons for us. No one can take our Karma away from us or suffer, or be a ransom, or die to some how remove our sins, our consequences from us. That is one of the most basic lies of the Bible. We are held accountable before God and His Laws for our misdeeds. God does not "save" us. Jesus does not "save" us. He was a Truthbringer and a human, like anyone else. We save ourselves by living the Laws of God and Creation.

Lucifer's trick was to make us think that someone else would do it for us, that someone could save us from being accountable for our own misdeeds, so we would not learn our lessons in soul growth. That is why people have returned lifestream after lifestream. Religion has fooled many.

You asked about what happens when you die. When we die in third dimension our body which is the "house" for the real you, your soul, disintegrates and like any organic substance returns to the elements of which it is composed. The real you, your soul goes to fourth dimension, also known as the Astral Plane. There you stand before Creator God, and you judge yourself according to the Laws of God and Creation. God does not judge you, ever. You then determine what lessons in soul growth you have yet to learn and where you will go to learn them.

Lifestream after lifestream we have all been on the great wheel of reincarnation and have returned to this and other 3D planets to learn our lessons. This is the last time we will do this. We will not die another physical death, if we so choose, for our planet has now earned the right to move into fifth dimension or Heaven, and we have the opportunity to move with our planet into these higher frequencies. This is what was meant in the Bible about the Kingdom of Heaven being established on earth.

NESARA is Creator God's Plan for our time, as the first step to move us into the coming Golden Age of Peace or Heaven on Earth. Shortly after the public announcement of NESARA, we will have First Contact. Thousands of Starships will land all over our planet and we will meet "The Hosts of Heaven". They are our ancestors and friends from other planets, many who look like us, and who were sent here at this time by Creator God to help us wake up to Truth and to our magnificent future.

When we were created by Creator God, we were given a fragment of Him, which is our God Spirit within us. All creation is connected to each other and to Creator God through this Spirit of God. Therefore, we can communicate with our God Spirit within and know the answers to our questions by simply asking through our thoughts, and then listening to our thoughts for the answers. Our God Spirit knows all!

You can know Truth through your thoughts, through you intuition, through your "gut feelings", through the energy you feel from your aura or another person's aura, through a voice speaking to you in your mind, or just knowing. I hear Creator God speaking to me through my thoughts, especially when I write. It's like He is sitting on the end of my pen and directing my thoughts and my words. My wife, Anne, types on the computer the thoughts she "hears" in her mind through her God Spirit within. Everyone receives Truth in their own special way, and everyone has this same connection to Creator God, though few people really understand it and use it.

I suggest strongly that you read Phoenix Journals numbers two and twenty-seven for more detail and clarity in answering your questions. Thank you again for writing, and may you truly find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
