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"Hello, Central!" You Write That "It Is Done" And "It Is Finished!" And "NESARA Is Here", And Yet, Nothing Has Changed. I Am Really Confused!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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d" and "nesara is " and yet, in this place and time, nothing has changed.... just because one might say that the sun is going to rise over the north pole does not make it true.... just because one looks at a cloud and sees a starship does not make it true,,,, i am really confused.... maybe you could straighten this whole thing out,,,,,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 28, 2005


Dear JL;

Thank you for writing. We are spiritual beings living in a 3D world and having this physical experience. Because we have spiritual abilities we can both communicate and create by thought. By thought we can "know" the minds of the Ascended Masters and the very mind of Creator God. Therefore, we know the future for Earth Shan. We are here to assist with the transition of our planet into 5D or Heaven on Earth.

We are here to help create the Golden Age. All Creation was created by Creator Source by thought. We have the ability to do likewise. By thought we create what we want our future to be. All creation happens first in the etheric such as 5D before it can manifest in the physical format of 3D. Our Heaven on Earth has been created in the etheric realms long ago, and was foretold by the prophets such as John in The Revelation book in the Bible.

It is now our task as spiritual beings living on this 3D physical planet to create by thought Heaven on Earth in our third dimension. "It is done" and "It is finished" in the etheric, and now we proclaim that "NESARA is here!" We create the idea, the thought of NESARA, so it can manifest now in the physical world in which we live.

There is a theme that runs through the writings of many prophets and certainly through the teachings of Esu Immanuel (Jesus), which one writer has called "The Isaiah Effect". Simply put, this idea is that one should pray believing that your prayer has already been answered. You pray with the knowing that "It is already done", that "It is finished!" As Esu Immanuel said, "Pray believing!"

My friend, when people put their thought-power and their positive energy behind an idea, they can create great goodness in their physical world. Know that NESARA is very real, that NESARA exists in the etheric and that NESARA is here, now, in our physical world! We shall have our Golden Age, now!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
