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"Hello, Central!" I Have Lost My Faith In NESARA! I Feel I Have Wasted My Time And Made A Fool Of Myself!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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holidays. Has Creator Source given any explanation for this? I have followed your work for 3 years and you have given so many the encouragement to continue believing. Unfortunately, I feel I have now lost my faith and I wish I had never learned about NESARA. Life is hard enough without all these disappointments. I have tried to do my part informing people, praying and holding the light, but now I feel like I have wasted my time and made a fool of myself.

Thank you for all you have done to encourage us.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 8, 2006


Dear KD:

I am saddened by your lack of faith. No one can tell you what to believe. The knowing of Truth comes from within, and only as you develop the ability to communicate with your God Spirit within through meditation, will you know Truth.

Over these past three years you have been given wave after wave of information, disinformation and Truth to sort through to sharpen your discernment. Why have you not learned your lessons in discernment? Now you say, "I feel like I have wasted my time and made a fool of myself". These years have presented all of us with many experiences to grow in spiritual understanding, to enable us to walk the road of faith. Have you learned nothing?

To move into the higher dimension of 5D with our beloved Earth Shan, we have been given many opportunities to begin to understand the Etheric Realms. Are you so stuck in 3D that you cannot comprehend that NESARA has an etheric quality about it? NESARA was born in cooperation of Earth and Heaven. Enlightened souls have returned to 3D to carry out their mission of assisting the transition of Earth Shan from existing as a 3D planet to becoming a 5D planet, where no evil is allowed.

This transition to 5D will not take us anywhere. We will remain right here on our original Earth Shan, and we shall create our 5D Heaven right here on our planet. We shall do this with the help of many Star People. This is a cooperative project between Heaven and our earth, and NESARA is the first major step in this transition process to our Golden Age of Peace.

If you truly desire a better world, why do you not believe that NESARA is real? If you desire to live in peace and a world without fear, why have you lost faith at this last moment before the "bell of freedom" rings" By now you should have learned that you have the power to create by thought. That what you think about, comes about.

My sister, what is it that you truly want? Do you want to stay and participate in our coming Golden Age, or do you want to leave and return to your 3D lessons on another 3D planet? The choice is yours. The time of sorting and choosing is ending, and once that door closes, your decision will be honored. There shall be no turning back.

You have fallen into the 3D mode of questioning whether NESARA exists or not, whether there will ever be an end to Darkness and despair and suffering, whether we will actually have Heaven on our Earth. The Golden Age is a given. It shall happen, regardless of your belief. NESARA, as the doorway to the Golden Age, is a cooperative project of Heaven and Earth. You must leave your 3D thinking and know in your heart, that NESARA exists in the Etheric Realms. We are now in the process of manifesting NESARA into our 3D physical existence. That is the hard part to comprehend, when you have little discernment to see the signs, or faith to have the inner "knowing".

You feel like a fool for supporting NESARA, because you are basing your feelings upon what other people think, and not upon your inner "knowing" of Truth. I believe that you do not really believe what you are saying. You have allowed doubt to cross your pathway, and discouragement to creep into your thinking.

This has been a hard trip for all Lightworkers, who have stood strong against the Darkness. This has been our ultimate test. Do not doubt! Our mission is nearly complete! The Darkside is in panic and using every resource they have available to discredit goodness, NESARA and our coming Golden Age. Spend mulch time in meditation and ask your God Spirit within for confirmation of Truth. This latest wave of disinformation under the guise of Truth is of no consequence. Use discernment, seek wisdom and find your balance. Therein lies the peace we seek, for from inner stability comes faith and "knowing". I state again that NESARA is very real, and that NESARA is happening---NOW!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


Original Message -----

From: FR


Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 5:23 PM

Subject: TO:I have lost my faith IN NESARA etc.

Hello Patrick

I read,I have lost my faith in NESARA today,and it saddened my heart,because it shows how easy it is to lose faith when we live in 3D.I would like to tell the person concerned a couple of things I have experienced.Some years back in time I found myself in what you could call dire straits, big time.I was scared,rally scared.There and then I called out a prayer to GOD,and in a split of a second,I was saved .The (problem) was solved.There and then I just knew a greater force took and takes care of us.The other day I read about a three year old girl in Wales,UK.She was molested in a gruesome way by three adults,I felt physically ill,and really sad(3D).I was down for several hours.I had to get out of that situation.I opened fourwinds,went to news and information,down to the prayer section.There I found something I thought I could use.I wrote a letter to her guardian angels,asked them to give her all the help she needed.I put the letter in an evenlope and put it in a special place.My sadness vanished,and I had a good nights sleep.What I mean by this is pls never lose hope,pray etc.Things take time.I have talked to coworkers and friends about what is going to happen,they laugh at what I am saying,and ask if I have smoked something or,so what,I have not lost any hope or faith,it just takes longer time then anticipated,we humans are an impatient breed.Listen to Fleetwood Mac's"don't stop".So to the person concerned I send love,light, hope and peace.By the way ,I have had my doubts as well,but I have always found something that could cheer me up, a prayer,meditate,a nice sunset,a child's laughter etc.

So to everybody out there,cheer up ,it will happen.

Thanks for your time

Patrick,pls put this in your section.

Love,light,peace and hope

