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"Hello, Central!" "My Wife Of Sixteen Years Is Hooked Into "The Matrix" And Is Now Having "Panic Attacks!" Why Is This Happening? Is It Due To Changing Earth Frequencies?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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n to have panic attacks, beginning with a very severe one which caused her to pace back and forth in our house for over 2 hours. Even knowing that there was nothing bad going on, or anything with her health that would cause her problems, she still was in a very bad state, including thinking that she was certainly going to die. We were helped by a good friend who came over to our house - she has been having these types of panic attacks herself for several years. Neither my wife nor our friend have really discovered (as I have through your web site and others) what is happening right now with our world. They remain hooked up to "The Matrix" and aren't comfortable talking about the Truth of our world. Do these panic attacks occur because of the earths changes happening right now? Why would she now begin having these attacks, just as we have so much positive to look forward to in the coming days and weeks. She has begun taking one of the "meds" to help control these (and they have helped quite a bit), but it makes me wonder why this has started happening to her?? I look forward to your words of wisdom.

Blessings to you and your family....PM


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 9, 2005


Dear PM:

Thank you for your letter and your question concerning your wife's "panic attacks".

What is happening to your wife is what is happening to many people today. It is partly due to the rising frequencies of Earth Shan in tension with the lower frequencies of people, who are making little effort to raise their body frequencies to match those of our planet. It is also due to the slowed conversion of one's body cells from a carbon base to a crystalline base, which can handle the higher frequencies.

All is based upon enlightenment and the awakening to Truth. The person may be asleep spiritually to Truth, but the soul knows all Truth, and is crying out for the person to awaken. These panic attacks are "wake-up calls". Medication is a way to mask them and to continue in rejection of what is really happening both inside and in the world at large.

There are reasons for everything that happens. Your wife is being prodded to respond to Truth. Do you talk with her about Truth, Iraq war, economy, evil government, Phoenix Journals, Fourwinds, NESARA, First Contact, The Second Coming, etc.? She needs to "get with the program" to raise her frequencies.

In your wisdom know that this is decision time, the time of sorting, when everyone must choose to stay or to leave Earth Shan, and there is not much time left. NESARA, First Contact and The Second Coming of Esu Immanuel Sananda are upon us. When these events and the magnetic polar shift have occurred, the time for choosing Darkness or Light will pretty well have ended.

You could encourage your wife to discuss with you various questions or subjects she may be avoiding, or have her read things that speak Truth. Phoenix Journals #2, 3, or 27 may be a place to start. Petition for her enlightenment and ask the Angels to help her to wake up!

My friend, pray, believing! We are in the Age of Miracles, and anything can happen. Many will be jolted awake with the coming events on Earth Shan. May your good wife be one of them! We petition that is so.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
