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"Hello, Central!" How We We Fight An Invisible War When The Enemy Controls Everything, And People Like Alex Jones Call NESARA A Scam And A Sham?"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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cam and his guest agreed,this doesnt bode well for all the people of earth when two such knowlegable people such as these agree on the fact that nesara is a scam and a sham,these two individuals carry a lot of knowledge about such isuues and this left me wondering about the future of earth and her peoples, it would be nice if we could get some real evidence on nesara implimentation out to the people of earth, i know the nesara website is well designed and there are a lot of people beleiving in nesara but it just doesnt seem enough to convince some very sceptical people of nesara game plan. i live in the uk and would love a concept such as this to exist,but given the power of the dark cabals and their never ending push for power it seems that there isnt much hope left,they control everything thats of importance to the people of earth,politics,finance,trade and the military,theve got all the weapons the communications and the gold all under their control and have done for many a year.these cabals will not resign their power to unarmed hopefull people and if you do take up arms we all die and their game plan works. our only option is a military koo,where the good american military wakes up and takes control back from the nazi influence that has dominated every continent with their mind control scemes and satelite manipulation systems to wich i was subjected to. How do we fight an invisible war and an enemy that hides deep within the halls of justice throughout every land on hope and a few prayers, please help.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 12, 2005


Dear MB:

Thank you for your letter. Because of the gag order placed upon NESARA by the U.S. Supreme Court, Alex Jones could not openly discuss NESARA on his radio show. To do so would mean his death. This has happened to others. NESARA is very serious business and the Darkside has tried every means to stop it, but they have failed.

NESARA is very real, my friend, and it shall prevail very soon, for Divine Intervention is helping the NESARA team to complete their mission before the end of this year---2005.

The New World Order nearly completed their plans for complete control of Earth Shan. They have done a good job of fooling the people and hiding their plans, but people are waking up. Knowledge is power! Do not be discouraged, for the battle for our planet has been fought, and the Light has won. The Battle of Armageddon is/was a spiritual battle and it is over.

You ask, "How do you fight an invisible war?" You fight it by the invisible power of thought with the help of the invisible Forces of Light of 5D. Our prayers have been heard and the Forces of Light are here. Darkness has lost, as you will see in these next few weeks. The NESARA Team supported by our prayer power shall soon win the day. You can help by holding that positive energy.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
