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"Hello, Central!" I Would Like To Know The Truth And Nothing But The Truth. We Don't Need A Bunch Of Crap!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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expect to get an explimation, I do expect nothing to be said and for you to go on to the next untruth. I think it is almost or criminal to be putting untrue information out and never taking responsibility for the bad information, and, then when the people quit beleiving in NESARA they are blamed, never the person who puts out the crap which is the reason at least in part they quit believing. I have no reason to believe any thing this Web site puts out anymore on NESARA, so much bad information has been put out dealing with NESARA. You have lost credibility with a lot of people including me, and probably loosing more people every day. But then to your credit you have said some of the information you put out we are to go inside ourselves and figure out what is true and what is not true. That sounds great no responsibility for untruths! The greatest of liars are those who put out 95% truth and 5% lies. I am not calling you a liar all I know is how much crapy information has been put out on this web site over the years. I have NO reason to believe NESARA will be announced this month. Your track record on when NESARA will be anounced is not good, in fact it is HORABLE, IN FACT IT DOSENT EXIST except for never happening. Dove who you critisize has a much better record. What you are doing is turning people off. Dove who you criticize makes me believed there is something to NESARA. If this web site was all I had I would probably be gone to. I went to my bank and they and I mean they knew nothing about new money nor NESARA and I believe they were being truthful with me. I have no conformation on anything that is being said about NESARA on this web site, and I cant seem to get any. I know go inside myself. As far as you traveling up to a space ship and talking to "God" I doubted it was true when you said it and I doubt it now. If I should find I am wrong then I may oue an apology but if I am right then you oue an apology not that I ever expect that to happen. I do know that most moral people who put out bad information would explain there selves, I don't see that happening here, and don't expect it to happen. I hate it when I put out something that I find out is not true but when I do (and I have) I don't leave it at that. I go back and say you know what I told you it was not true and then explain. I don't see that happening here on this web site. Perhaps you feel you don't half to and you are right you don't half to. You have every right to keep right on putting out crap. In another e-mail I sent, you answered that Roy had been murrdered in prison and that Roy had been cloned will you please explain to me how one clones and turns that clone into a grown up in a very very short time of a couple of years or less. I would like for Jennfer and A and A to explain this great feat also. So many questions about the bad information being put out on this web site and A & A. I hope to find the truth out there some place. We "peons" are made to feel like criminals for questing. A & A HORABLE record on the truth! I wish I had the money I would have found out what is going on long ago. And I would have come back and told the people the TRUTH about what I found out. As you may be able to tell I am angry of being and having others told things that are not true. Perhaps part of the reason I am angry over being and others told untruths is because I was cheated out of $70.00 because of deceat and fraud. I was also put in prison for the same reason, and I did not like it one bit. In fact once you have been in prison you are never the same person you were before you went to prison. Is NESARA really for real because all of the untruth I really don't know any more at one time I thought I did, not any more! I still hope NESARA is, that is all this world has for it's survival. If NESARA is not true it is all over, but which ever it is I would like to know the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH we don't need a bunch of crap!



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 26, 2006


Dear WW:

I do not know why I should take the time to reply to your foolish letter.

Do you not want NESARA? Do you not want a better world? Do you have a better plan? What have you done to make your life better, your world better?

You whine and criticize and do nothing to help those who are trying to make things better for you. What is your problem? Why do you deserve anything better than the Hell Planet for your next lifestream for your lessons? Anyone who calls Truth "a bunch of crap" is clearly identifying themselves as such.

You world is backwards, for you cannot tell Darkness from Light, Truth from Lie. You say, "I will believe it when I see it". No, my friend, "You will see it when you believe it!"

Truly, if you do not believe in the coming Golden Age, you will never see it. Quite sad! May you, yet, awaken to Truth!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----

From: C


Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 6:31 AM

Subject: Wanted to say..

For several years I doubted NESARA but now I am starting to understand that in order to have a better life, you have to believe it in order to see it. Right now I am having a better life then I have ever had so far and it can only get better!! I used to say that NESARA won't be announced but now I believe that it is already here, and you just have to live for what it stands for. The more light you give, it helps mother earth and her people to help get NESARA announced. But the reason I am writing you is because of what you just wrote:

"You world is backwards, for you cannot tell Darkness from Light, Truth from Lie. You say, "I will believe it when I see it". No, my friend, "You will see it when you believe it!" Truly, if you do not believe in the coming Golden Age, you will never see it. Quite sad! May you, yet, awaken to Truth!"

That right there is totally true and it is sometimes to hard to go on when you don't see anything but people have to remember, just because we don't see it with our own eyes..does not mean nothing is happening. I am now starting to fully grasp what you are saying by "when you believe it, it will happen" and anyone that doubts that, needs to look at what they are creating for their lives. Remember people, if you create fear and negative thoughts, that is what will be given to you. There are no victims here, everyone is where they are at by their thoughts, if you don't like where you are or what is going on. Then change your thoughts and you will change your reality, it is simple as that but if you don't believe it, it will not happen.

I just wanted to share that, thanks again Patrick for spreading your wisdom and I just hope people will understand that their thoughts create their reality.




Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:56 AM

Dear Bellringer,

Blessings to you and Anne for staying the course, and being an ever- shining Light on this dark planet.

I was both empathic and discouraged by the two posts on January 26 about two people more or less lambasting you and referring to NESARA as being "crap". I was at once appalled by their attitudes, and yet, had to have compassion for their feelings. With your permission, I would like to address these two souls, and hopefully, give them a means to be more discerning of Truth.

I have been blessed in that I have such a Love and a longing for "the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, that in most cases, my "gut"/heart tells me instantly what is Truth and what is a lie. However, I recognize that not everyone has this ability, so, I would like to help those who are struggling by sharing a "practice" given by a Shamanic practitioner.

One needs to get into a meditative, or comfortable position, still the mind, connect with the solar plexus area. Then when you feel still, you tell yourself something that you KNOW is a lie. It can be anything you choose to think or say to yourself. Note very carefully how you feel in the solar plexus area (which is our Truth center). Then tell yourself something that you know is True, which can be your name, address, etc. Then note once more how you are feeling in the solar plexus area. It may take more than one attempt to become sensitive to the difference in "feeling", but, it is a surefire way to discern Truth from fiction/lies.

Another thing I would like to address is the fact that this is "grow- up" time. It is the time of the sorting, and for our realization that we need to be RESPONSIBLE, for ourselves first of all, and then as our consciousness expands, we can help our fellow man. I have been consciously on the evolutionary path for a number of years, and know from experience it is not easy. However, the Master teacher, Sananda certainly did not have an easy path to tread either, did he?

Quite frankly, I feel it's time we stop our whining, accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative, and SEE FOR OURSELVES JUST HOW POWERFUL THOUGHT CAN BE!!! Freeing ourselves from the lies we've been taught for so long isn't done overnight, but, it can be done with consistently strong WILL and FAITH.

I am trusting this will be beneficial to some.

Light and Love to all, K
