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"Hello, Central!" Why Is It, "This Month" Or "This Week", "Everything Is Going To Be All Right", And Yet It Never Is? You Have Been Leading Us On Like This For Years

Patrick H. Bellringer

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the internet, people can be whoever they wish to be. They can write stories, proclaim truth and “talk with the Masters”. They can tell us how to live and what to expect. Why is it, “this month” or “this week”, “everything is going to be all right” and yet it never is? If we act on your information or anyone else’s on the internet, as we have been doing, we are, basically, screwed and have been for many years.

It is the same with all the New Age movements; the movements that got us into the new Age of Aquarius. If you read Unveiled Mysteries, for example, experiences such as those are supposed to be yours, as well. Yet, St. Germain never took me to Shasta and those books were written in the 1940’s. Other New Age movements and teachings have come and gone since then. Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT) and now, Torch Bearers immediately come to mind. Yet, we are not ascended, nor are we rich nor have the Masters walked and talked with us. That is always supposed to happen next week, next year, next month or even a few years from now even though it is and has been promised for right now or yesterday or many years ago! The crooks still take what belongs to the people and good people still suffer.

If I told my boss I was going to take those pictures and turn them in tomorrow or next week and I didn’t do so a month later, four years or ten years or forty or more years later; then what do you think would happen to me? No one would accept that from me. I would have no credibility. That would be Neptunian illusion and delusion, wouldn’t it? What if I told him some story about how I know more than him because I have truth and Masters speak with me? I could write up a dictation and tell him that if he did not believe me then “he does not know truth” and he has “no patience”. I would still be fired and no one would listen to me and rightfully so. Why should we accept anything less from you or your sources or the Ballards or Elizabeth Claire Prophet or El Moyra or Jesus or anyone on the internet or New Age? We live here in the NOW.

When I was growing up, all of us kids were living in daily fear of “the bomb”. Nikita was going to blow everything up. Then, it became fear of earth changes. The Great Lakes were supposed to drain into the Mississippi river and California was going to split off. We still have this fear. Will this happen? When hundreds or millions die or starve to death or get diseased and die; it is God’s plan and these souls are “all right”. It was their destiny. Why read stuff like that? What good is it? Why cry and worry if God does not? Why care for someone? Really, none of it makes much sense. We just have to endure.

At the same time as the fear, we had all of this reading to do and all of this “believing” and then New Age hope and study to do. There was always something wrong with us because we never accomplish anything and we have no money. Others succeeded in life, have jobs, families, and careers. Others get the Masters experiences but not us or anyone that we know. “We just have to keep on keeping on”.

The latest pictures on the internet of the indictment papers being passed through the gates of the White House were not reported or seen anywhere else on the news. The very latest that I heard, Bush was actually arrested. Life in Washington DC goes on as far as we know so that has not happened either, has it? Wait a minute, wasn’t Bush arrested at his ranch in Texas and the VP was arrested somewhere else four weeks ago? I heard they were never to be allowed back into DC after January first. That was another “snow job” reported on the internet, wasn’t it? Someone “had truth”.

Don’t you analyze your sources? How can you accept all of this and this delay? What are your qualifications to be writing to us like this? Why do you think you know more than anybody? You and your particular sources have been leading us on like this for years. Don’t you think you should be getting out of the NESARA forecasting real soon? Like right now?



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 26, 2006


Dear WK:

Living in fear and doubt all your life has made you a very unhappy man. You want a better world but you want someone else to create that better world for you, and you want it instantly.

What do you think is the purpose of your lifestream on this planet at this time? Is it more than just physical survival? The four great virtues that we are to learn are wisdom, bravery, fortitude and generosity.

What is wisdom? Wisdom involves discernment, the ability to separate Truth from lie. Wisdom involves not only the ability to act prudently based upon experience and knowledge in the physical world, but to know and be able to navigate in the world of spirit. Wisdom includes the ability to believe in the unseen and to act in faith upon that belief.

That takes real courage or bravery, my friend! To act in faith upon the unseen in the face of ridicule over time involves not only bravery but also fortitude. To hang on to one's belief in the face of adversity requires endurance or tenacity of the highest level. That is why Daniel was able to walk through the lion's den. In so doing, Daniel changed his world.

You want a better world but you have done little to help create it. You lack wisdom and discernment! You lack faith! You lack courage! You complain about what others are doing or not doing. You believe there is no hope, that God does not care. Tell me, my friend, why should God care if you don't? Be very thankful that in spite of your doubt and faithlessness that God does care, but He won't do it for you.

If you want a better world and want to be a part of that better world, you will have to participate in creating it. It will take wisdom, bravery, fortitude and generosity to do so. Remember that lessons repeat over and over until you learn them. You will have to endure your world of doubt and fear that you have created until you have had enough and choose something else.

NESARA and the Golden Age is not a "snow job". You are destined to live in your world of discontent until you decide to take that step of faith into a new world of Spirit. NESARA is that world you desire. NESARA is the doorway to the Golden Age you want so badly. Is it not time to stop trashing God, the Ascended Masters and Fourwinds and realize that it could be you that is wrong? It is impossible to participate in our coming Golden Age of Peace unless you believe in it and help make it happen.

Believe me, my friend, NESARA is here and our Golden Age will happen in spite of your disbelief! May you find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

From: KM


Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006, 3:57 AM

Subject: Ithink We are all Just Tired

Hi Patrick,

Ihave read your sight now for quite a while. I have seen and felt your belief and your heart. We all want great things to happen in our lives. I think we are all just extremely tired of trying to bring it in. You recently had some people really expess their feelings on what is being said and done. It may seem to them that nothing comes to fruitfulness, it simply is that they are not in a certain place to be able to see it. It does possibly make one fearful and angry, and it really is up to us individually to turn that around, and I think they will do that on their own.

I do not feel all of this information is misleading, I feel we just need to process it in our own way, and there will always be someone to tell you, you are wrong.

My life has been everything less than good. I have always had such and open heart that I end up the hurt one. That's OK now because I know what the purpose was for that. I have my good days and bad, but I do know that there is something wonderful and heaven like waiting just around the corner for all of us. Your truth may be different than mine, or theirs, but you put your heart out their for the good of all and I think that is a wonderful part of you. We need to all believe in the greatness that is trying to be achieved, whatever that greatness is to each soul

My heart tells me it is here, and we haven't even touched or felt how grant it really is. We have never felt the truly heaven like qualities of this new life yet, so it is hard to even imagine how beautiful it will be for all those who except it.

I hope this may help a little for those that are discouraged. Patrick, please keep putting your heart out there in what ever way you see fit, Some of us think it is a beautifulthing.

Love and Light


----- Original Message -----

From: A & C

To: Patrick

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 2:28 PM

Subject: JAN.26 Hello Central Postings.

Dear Patrick & Fourwinds.

If it were not for Fourwinds, my wife and I would not be advancing in our soul growth and soul lessons as rapidly as we are. This is serious business, this unique crossroads to the Golden Age of Truth. Each God given moment of Life is a teaching/learning experience. The Tough Love messages and the message facts of the Journals have an alchemical action which stirs us to rise to the occasion, stirs our cells to experience acsension in each of the moments spent processing Truth within.

The 2 new Jan.26 letters to Hello central point out to us that it is the Truthbringer which is attacked and the attacks often come from "ye of little faith". As you and Hatonn have stated,

"there are no excuses". That game is overwith. In compassion for those who are struggling with faith, we share these words, in the hope they will be of value to some in your audience.

F Fortitude & Focus

A Alliance & Attunement

I Integrity & Intent

T Truth & Trust

H Healing & Harmony

This is a 10fold interaction of positive energy sets, Light packets, if you will, available to all who are willing to invest in themselves within.

We asked and we received. We see those chosen to announce Nesara speaking! We see the new shelters of dignity for the Homeless and that they are being given food and proper medicine! We see the New Communities operating in Harmony, Peace, and Generosity! We see Mother Earth in Pristine Light!

Let the Wisdom, Power, and Love of our Creator increase on Earth Shan 10fold Now!

In Love and Light,

A & C

PS. We noted that Mr. Cheney was captured and placed under house arrest at his bunker in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Interesting that this is also the same area of one of Ascended Master Germain's etheric retreats.
