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"Hello, Central!" I Had Some Important Spiritual Questions, If You Don't Mind!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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and goes into the astral realm, you said that evil spirits reside in the astral realm? Is it possible for them to attack someone who has recently crossed over? Do spirit guides allow demons to do harm to someone who opens up to them? Please answers all of these questions. Love and blessings.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 31, 2006


Dear A:

Yes, we all have Spirit Guides. At birth everyone is assigned at least two Guardian Angels, who remain with us throughout our life. There is no such thing as "eternal damnation", as you have been taught by the Christian cult. Whatever happens to you is of your own choosing. Creator God does not destroy His own creation. There are those humans so evil and who have refused to follow the Laws of God and Creation for so long, that they may finally be uncreated, but that is their choice not Creator God's revenge.

Evil spirits do not take over anyone unless that person allows it to happen. Again, it is a matter of freewill choice. Any spirit, good or evil, can have no power in 3D unless it can express itself through a physical body. That is why the evil spirits try very hard to find someone's mind and body to occupy.

The Astral plane has many levels of frequencies ranging from the lowest of 4D up to 5D. When a person dies his soul goes to that level of the Astral Plane that vibrates with his soul's frequencies. Any interference of one soul by another soul (spirit) is not allowed on the Astral Plane level. All are there to judge themselves before Creator God and to decide where to go next for their lessons in soul growth.

Your Spirit Guides are high spiritual beings and are not evil, and never will they cause you harm. Any demons that may attack you and cause you harm is of your own doing. They can not harm you unless you have not protected yourself. Your Spirit Guides will protect you against demons, but they will not do so unless you ask them to do so. They are not allowed to interfere with your freewill due to the Cosmic Law of Divine Non-intervention. Your Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels are there to help you along your life's pathway, but it is up to you to use their abilities. They will never interfere with your life, but when you ask for their assistance they instantly respond. Your call compels their response, always. You have all the help of Heaven at your disposal, not just your Spirit Guides, so ask for what you need. Then believe that you will receive it, and you will. You will be overwhelmed at the response. Know that you have total control over your life.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
