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"Hello, Central!" I Am Afraid Of Our Future! How Do I Know If I Fit Into The Group That Will Move To The 5th Dimension?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ad things are going to happen to people on earth during 2006. If so, Nesara is not gonna be helpful, since with do not have earth to govern. I have read that the third war world is going to begging this present year. On the other hand, this message gives us a clear picture of what is going to happen to us in the near future.

Well, I consider myself as a good, just, honest person. How do I know if I fit into the group of people that will not go to hercolubus and stay on earth to move to the 5th dimension.

Best Regard



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 30, 2006


Dear CL:

Be in peace, my friend. All of the evil plans of the Illuminati for their One World Order to control our planet have been stopped, forever. This year of 2006 shall be a year of great and good changes for the people of Earth Shan. Nothing shall stop NESARA!

By decree of Creator God Christ Michael there shall be no more war on our planet. There shall not be a World War III. There shall not be any war with Iran or North Korea or Syria or any other country by order of Creator God. The Darkside's time is ending and they are being removed from our planet even now. Creator God has ordered the Minions of Lucifer and of the Illuminati to return to the Light or to immediately leave our planet forever. Know that this is now happening. These Minions are those evil military leaders, politicians, judges and attorneys, bankers, heads of corporations, etc. that have worked hard for Lucifer's goal of world control. Their evil games are done and they must leave Earth Shan, forever.

You ask, "Will I participate in our coming Golden Age?" Creator God looks at the intent of your heart. You have a freewill to choose your future. You must decide if you want to stay and help restore our planet and help create our 5D Golden Age of Peace, or if you want to live on another 3D planet to continue your lessons in soul growth. My guess is that you want to stay and live here in our coming Golden Age. Tell creator God your wish, and it shall be so. Then you can be happy and have peace within with no more fear of your future. Ask your Angels to guide you, always, in the Light, and you will know how you can help.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
