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"Hello, Central"! We Need To Keep Positive, Stay Focused, And Be Patient For Maybe Several More Weeks Or Months Before We See NESARA's Announcement

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Illuminati inspired cartoons have given the fear and anger factor in the Muslim world a huge boost, dimming the Light for the time being for a major portion of the worlds peoples. The inexorable wait and numerous false alarms about NESARA's announcement have caused a degree of disillusionment amongst Lightworkers. The lack of any positive news following the Indictments served on Bush and Cheney on January 10 is also generating negative "vibes" among believers. Also Bush and Cheney have appeared daily on TV here in Australia, despite your Feb 3 assertion that they will not appear any longer in public - it is most definitely not pre-recorded footage, but current film of the Jordanian Presidents meeting with a Bush clone last week that was shown. Cheneys shooting accident has received wide coverage with his face appearing on TV also - it may be pre-recorded, but the public still believe what they see as gospel truth.

Matthew indicates in his latest message (Feb 12) that there is karmic rebalancing still yet to be sorted out, and that millions more will die from military bloodshed, fanatical vengeance, disease, pollution, starvation, etc before the big changes commence. St Germain likewise indicates more delays before our extra-terrestrial friends can land and show themselves. The Illuminati in their death throes are obviously stringing this out for as long as they can. How this Iran situation pans out seems to have a huge bearing on future events - no WW3, but maybe some more bad news before we receive the good - there are still millions out there who fall for the lies and propaganda of the darkside and give them power through the increase in the fear factor.

We need to keep positive, stay focussed, and be patient (as Matthew says) for maybe several more weeks or, possibly, more months before we see NESARA's announcement.

Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to wake up tomorrow morning and be proved wrong, but the future is not set in stone, and the back and forth swing of the battle between Light and dark appears to need to go on for a bit longer yet. We know the Light will win, but impatience plays into the hands of the dark. Expecting all to fall into place immediately is unrealistic at present, I feel.

In Light and Love



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Feb. 14, 2006


Dear DC:

I totally disagree with your analysis of our present world situation. Why are you creating the energies for NESARA to happen weeks or even months down the road? What is it that you want?

If you interpret my righteous anger as impatience, that is your problem. I am very tired of the Darkside's control of Earth Shan and her people, and I want the Darkside removed from our planet, now---not next week, not next month, but now! We have waited long enough for goodness and world peace to come to our door.

There have been no false alarms about NESARA. You were told the Truth at that moment of the NESARA plans. If the plan is trashed by evil, that does not make it a false alarm. You say the Muslim cartoons are creating much negative energy. What have you done to counteract that negativity.? All is not as it seems. You fall for the media charade and believe their lies as Truth, and the Truth I give you as lies. So be it.

It is no wonder that you believe all the channelings as absolute Truth as well. Until you learn discernment you will continue to live in your hazy world of disillusionment. It is high time that you get off the fence and help the prayer warriors and Truthbringers to get the job done.

Impatience is a virtue, my friend, when it leads to righteous anger and then to action to create goodness. Your complacency is both despicable and unacceptable for a Truthbringer at this late hour. You would be most wise to re-think your position and take positive action to help make a difference, now, and not wait for someone else to do it for you months down the road. Therein does no soul growth nor honor lie!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
