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"Hello, Central!" A Call To All Light Workers

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ue of "The Liberator Paper" , which in time became "The Contact Newspaper". The Truth than moved to "The Spectrum Newspaper/Magazine". In May of 2005 I found the "" site. After a short time I knew within that you & Fourwinds are also a continuation of the Truth & guidance from the Forces of Light.

I THANK YOU Patrick & Anne for your steadfast effort in bringing forth the Truth, the guidance from the Light Forces & for your personal insight & encourangement.

I think we can see well that big government has not solved our problems but only added more! Many of our brothers & sisters around the world are hurting & in need of urgent help. We need the direct guidance & help of the forces of Light now at this time. We also need a return to our original Constitution and the help of the prosperity funds. We need to help each other. Nesara will bring this help. I ALSO WANT NESARA NOW & ISSUE A CALL TO ALL LIGHT WORKERS to focus & unite our thoughts in the following petition:

From my god spirit within and from my mighty spirtual I am presence I creat & also petition Creator God-Christ Michael, Esu Immanual Sananda, the Assended Masters & The Forces of Light to come to the aid of Mother Earth Shan & we the people of Mother Earth Shan at this time to:

Bring forth the public announcement of NESARA in the Republic of The united States of America NOW THIS DAY.

Bring forth within a few days the public announcement of FIRST CONTACT with our relations from the stars & related events.

Bring forth within another few days the public announcement of THE SECOND COMING of Esu Immanual Sananda and the Ascended Masters & related events.

I give my permission to act and/or intervene in our 3D world in any mannor you choose to help us fully complete our request in this petition of good intent for Mother Earth Shan & for the people of Earth Shan now, at this time.

I ask this petition in the grace of christness, in the christ spirit and name of Immanual Sanada & as it be the will of you Creator God-Christ Michael.





May Creator God bless you Patrick & Anne, all the light workers, Mother Earth Shan & the people of Earth Shan.

In Light & Love

