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"Hello, Central!" Keeping On To Victory

Patrick H. Bellringer

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it of All That Is. It came in the form of a demand that I make a decision to pass now or tough it out until Nesara is Here in 3D

I had been tired in the turmoil of waiting anfd considered taking my older body and going Home.

Instead of trying to write as I received it, I will forward what I wrote to Gary on the subject.

My personal request is if you would please place it on Four Winds communications Since it was Spirit given it may help some to keep on--keeping on.

With gratitude to you both for your faithfulness so long

Much Love and Power


* * * * *

----- Original Message -----

From: SP


Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 4:01 PM

Subject: Final Decision


I am urged to write to you today, the 29th of January, 2006.

This date comes to me personally as a time of great decision.

As background , I am 85 years in earth time. When I was a child I often thought of the New Kingdom echoeing my parents' beliefs. In fact there was one incident when upon coming home from school I found no one there. I was instantly overwhelmed, thinking --YES I had been left behind. It was the most hopeless, forlorn feeling possible to a child.

How that relates to my present time of decision is a s follows. I lay in bed late this AM with a most powerful awareness that I must make a decision, My physical health is perfect. my physical circumstances are equally OK,

The Spirit was dealing with me-to make a decision to just pass- or to stay and ride out the turmoil the Change brings

As I lay there realizing I had the power to leave as I chose, I began to realize that I am not just an individual-- I am a part of

ALL. So if I copped out leaving now, I was deserting the Destiny prefigured in that child hood experience. But now it is not just any one of us who brings the Kingdom, and the New world, it affects us all and even how Mother Earth makes her decisions.

As I lay there thinking of the multitudes who may also be making such a choice, I knew I had to shake off the negativity and go forward carryig the Beacon of hope. faith and beauty.

If I gave up now I know that this is the very second of the coming of Nesara with all the Creator has offered us. If we stop now when our feet are stepping on Holy Ground, we will fail our duties to ourselves and All That Is.

Needless to say I hauled myself out of bed and then read one of your articles regarding Daniel. I often thought about this person who was thrown into a fiery pit and how there was seen ,not one but others with him. Yes, our angels and masters are with us so how can we fail.

Thank you for asccepting this from a stranger as far as human goes, it has added to my strength and Love. We will win and walk out with our clothing (bodies) un sincing.(sp) Thank you, Gary. between you and Patrick on the Four Winds we are encouraged to go .- keeping on to victory.

Yours in Love and Beauty.

