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"Hello, Central!" Many Articles on Fourwinds Contradict Each Other! If the Star People Have Removed All "Nukes", Why Do You Post Articles About Plans For Nuclear War in Iran?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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r information! i look forward to a war free world. my question.....IF the 'off world' folks have indeed taken ALL the nukes away....why would you print an article like " iran plans" and get most of us worried? you have said before..."beware of fear mongering" are you not doing just that? you tell us to read and listen...and discerne the truth from within. you have many articles that contradict each other. what are we to gather from this? fact there are NO more nukes on our planet...IF in fact mother earth has forbidden any more war...then why frighten us with tales of "tactical" nuclear strikes in iran? i ask with hope in my soul. please continue your good work.many of us take heart from your postings! i know you are busy. i await your and light to you all!!



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 19, 2006


Dear RT:

Thank you for your letter. The contradiction of articles on Fourwinds is really a matter of your perception. Greater discernment is necessary to understanding any contradictions. Let me explain.

Presenting Truth is never selective. Presenting Truth also means telling you what is still going on in our 3D freewilled world, e.g. Iran. Creator God Aton has decreed no more nuclear for evil intent on Earth Shan, but when you read of plans for nuclear war, your task is to immediately thought-create that, that such shall not happen.

In so doing you send positive energy to cancel out the negative energy of nuclear war. Unless you know what is going on, you cannot know how to react, as an enlightened person, to your world and change it! Creator God has said, "no more nukes", but we are responsible to help make it so by our power of thought in each new situation. Every time you read or hear of war plans using "nukes", and you agree by your thought-power with Creator God's Decree, you reinforce the positive energy of that Decree, and make that Decree "valid" in that situation.

This same process holds true for war and all other situations where we desire Divine Intervention. Nothing happens by magic. Our 3D freewill lifestyle requires a cooperate effort between us and the Realms of Light to enact change to goodness. We help create the positive energy that cancels out the negative, and this is how we are bringing our planet back into the Light. The Lighted Realms will not do it for us, but they will assist us with all the help that Heaven allows, and that's a lot!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer