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"Hello, Central!" In General The Content On Fourwinds Appeals To the Lowest Common Denominator Of Bigotry And Hate. Where Is All The Love, the Light and the Life? (updated April 7, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

Smaller Font Larger Font RSS 2.0 was that it carried a positive massage of love and light. The more I read, it becomes very clear that the focus are political distractions aimed at exciting the masses, a method of mind control. The truth is, all is love, all is joy, all is prosperity, all is abundance and all is wealth anything else is lies. What you focus on is what grows, what you resist persists, giving attention to what you do not want will not bring about what you do want. The quality of the content is a reflection of what is within the source. The only way to overcome darkness is with light, hate with love and fear with hope. Where is all the love, the light, and the life?

In general the content of what is being presented at is what appeals to the lowest common denominator that is the ' what about me' mantallity. If one desires to read about bigotry and hate they could go to or but what about those of us that would like to learn about love and light? Please advice.....

Do not worry that someone is going to come and take what is yours, there is more than enough for all. The world does not belong to us we belong to the world. Do not worry about the evil deeds of partially developed politcal minds focus on what you want. Wish for others what you wish for yourself. Wish for love, life and peace!

Warmest Regards,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 6, 2006


Dear PC:

As Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn has said, "Dear Mr./Mrs. Butt-in-skies!" (meaning head in sand). Hear no evil! See no evil! Know no evil! You trash Fourwinds at your own peril, my friend. We present Truth! Truth is! Sometimes the Truth hurts, because at times it is not pretty, but we still live in a 3D world of low frequencies where all is not yet love, peace and light.

Unless you know what is wrong with your world, how do you know what to focus on to change things for the better? Maybe you should get out of the news and information section of Fourwinds, if you can't handle it, and start reading Bellringer's Corner or the Phoenix Journals for enlightenment. I assure you I have written much about the power of thought, of love, peace, light and life. It is up to you to find it. Few have done more than we have to keep people focused on the coming goodness of NESARA and the Golden Age of Peace.

In response to your last comment, I suggest that you will be one of the first to yell "foul" when your rights are taken from you by the hordes of illegal aliens invading your community. Then, maybe you will wake up to the concept of "tough Love!" May you find the Truth you seek, if not on Fourwinds, then somewhere else.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

* * * * *

(Reply from Reader)

----- Original Message -----

From: SL


Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 12:08 AM

Subject: Add a comment

Hi Patrick,

I just wanted to add on a few thoughts about PC's message to you on the 6th of April about love and light. I realize it is hard to understand the deeper meanings for ones, who are in the 3D vibrational energy when they see symptoms or warnings of truth(effect) and want love and light to just poof it away without looking for the cause. They need to ask themselves why they are bothered by the truth, and go within and see what is mirroring back at them. When they go away from love, which is the God Source of who we really are, things just fall apart as an alarm, to let us know that we better go towards love.

It is really not evil or hate, but a learning experience, but some of our mistakes feel like hell when we use our freewill to make the unloving choices. Tough love is used when all else fails to produce successful results before it is too late. Tough love makes people see and face their destructive actions quicker to want to stop doing it sooner then allowing themselves to be co-dependent, dragging another down with them.

Americans do not live in a country that has extra money and resources to help Mexicans without destroying themselves by doing it. That is truly co-dependency when one brings down another, instead of lifting each other up in balance and harmony. Americans have sacrificed beyond their limits, being taxed to poverty, while the rich get richer and the middle class are falling to their knees. Our illegal US money system was created for us to barely be able to make a living.

Americans should not have to pay for wanting to make a decent living, having to take higher paying jobs to be able to survive the high cost of living in the USA. We are thankful the Mexicans came to take the lower paying jobs, but not to flood our country and bleed us dry while they make us suffer more then we are already suffering.

So, where is the love, light and peace for us from our Mexican neighbors? Where is the thank you's for all the jobs we have given them to help them out? Do the Mexican even care about all the pressure and stress we have just to pay our bills with the prices of everything that keep going up beyond our reach? Are the Mexicans trying to divide and conquer, not caring if we survive? Is that love, light and peace, and would they like us flooding their country and destroying their fragile living structure to maintain survival?

Have Americans lost their way to want to be strong, stable, and secure to have the abilities to be of service to others in need, or are they going to allow themselves to be walked on, trampled and end up to be worthless to themselves and everyone else, also. We all have free choice to decide what we want our life to be. So what will it be?

