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"Hello, Central!" Would You Please Direct Me In The Proper Way To Meditate?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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od hears and answers me. From what you are saying, when I accomplish the feat of meditation I will be so much better off. I love your new site, and I anxiously await our announcement of Nesara. Every day the hope diminishes somewhat but I truly beleive we will be victorious before long. We are depressed and needing help so badly that we no longer know what to do, so please share how to tap into our higher being to get some positive results.

God Bless you as we continue to wait and watch your corner for the upcoming victory win.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 19, 2006


Dear AD:

Thank you for your letter. There is no one proper way to meditate. Everyone is different. All that is needed is a sincere desire to communicate with the Lighted Realms or with a particular Being of Light. You must clear your space of all interference and ask your Guardian Angels to clear out all Dark energies and entities and fill their space with Light, so they do not return.

Usually, alone in a quiet place for meditation works best for most people. Get comfortable an quiet, and through your thoughts "speak" to the one to whom you wish to communicate. Through your thoughts listen for a reply. What are your thoughts telling you? Some people actually hear a voice speaking to them that they know is of the Light.

You may have "gut feelings", intuition and a sense of "knowing" that guides you to the Truth. Be open to the various ways that answers come to the questions you may have. Even your friends, and that which you see, hear or read may give you guidance. My wife types on the computer what she "hears" and I write with my pen what I "think". Do whatever works for you. Everyone is different! Practice does improve your communication skills.

You may find it helpful to read the Phoenix Journal #34 entitled "Phone Home, E.T. ( or to read my writing based upon that same Journal entitled, "People of the Lie: Phone Home E.T." ( ) which are located on Fourwinds.

Be patient with yourself and open to your heart string's vibrations. Your God Spirit within knows all, so ask and you shall know.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer