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"Hello, Central!" I Dedicate This E-mail To Everyone Who Is Losing Faith In NESARA!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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that world you have to co-create it!

I always believed NESARA to be true after the first time i read about it and even if it is not (which I know it isn't :-) I wouldn't care because it would just delay peace on earth a bit more but that's it!

I was born knowing that I had something big to accomplish for earth...

I always thought I knew my destiny in life but I always keep discovering more.

That's what makes me think God exists and there is a plan for earth. Whatever I thought my destiny to be; I constantly keep on changing my ideas and I realise that is why everything is perfect: the "3D image" of your life is changing constantly, but your destiny not at all! You have to discover it!

At first as a kid I watched "the trilogy back to the future", and I always wanted to build a flying car or skateboard. Then my life passed, I went to University at 18 and discovered about so many things, that's when I started to change my ways of living constantly.

FIrst I discovered holosync (by This is a program that is changing my life beliefs/actions to what I really want and it's so convenient!!

Well then I started studying electronics and did my own researches and learned more and more about other scientific discoveries that were hidden by the government or ZIonists or... (it is knowledge hidden since at least 100 years). The discoveries included, means to create antigravity, to create infinite energy machines and much more than that. The greatest man of these discoveries was Nikola Tesla, he is also mentioned in some phoenix journals (that only adds up to my faith in these journals). This genius invented nearly all we use today with electricity... Ac generators, ac motors, radio waves and also many researches that have been deleted!

One example: that man invented an electric car in the late 1870!!! with infinite batteries... But I never read about this in history books at school! Why do we keep using petrol and polluting earth...

Well, these researches led me to other researches about the illuminati and hidden government. ANd about the fake NASA space program! Has anyone ever looked at the "supposed" pictures of the first moon landing? It was done in a studio. And from my researches I know the technology exists to go to the moon, to mars jupiter and anywhere else outside earth (except now because our space friends are watching them).

Again.. I was deeply saddned to realise that the world we live in is a game for the ZIonists who only want us to live in a prison and as badly as humanly possible!

I forgot to mention that I attended a "Silva method" seminar when I was 16 and the mental exercices we did then showed me without the shadow of a doubt that there was more to life than what we see.

Around 19 my plan for earth was to walk in Tesla's steps and to relearn all about electronics to create infinite energy machines and flying vehicles. And use the university to fund my projects. WHo was I to think University would allow me to do such researches! No one wants to believe this, even no one believes that all we learn in electronic engineering is wrong (I won't go into details, but what they teach is right, but by reducing/simplifying the maxwell electromagnetics equations from 20 to 4, they omitted the most interessant part of electronics! And it was done one purpose! Because what is omitted is the knowledge that could set us free from petrol and dependance for energy and even how to directly cure any disease by applying the right frequency and so on...)

SO as I said my plan was to build many many devices of free energy and go live in the world directly in one day and distribute them freely to anyone so that people will know for sure such machines are possible. And it is still my plan until I see our spacefriends landing.

It was during my second year at Uni, when I was 19 tah I ended up on the earthlink-newsletter, and read every letter but I could not believe everything at first. But slowly with my own researches it started to make sense. Then I found about (I'm still not sure if this site is fake or not... But it gives more ideas) and davidicke and watched "secrets of the matrix" and understood much more about what the plan of the new world order is!

Now I'm 20 by the way. When I discovered earthlink newsletter I was already reading channelings which are also a golden mine.

Now I'm getting a bit confused about what happened when in these last 2 years. But the point is that I went from total ignorance (in the matrix!) to more and more wisdom and I thank god everyday for this life (it is hard, but also so enligthening).

Until 18 I never believed in god!! From 5 to 15 I believed in ghosts and was scared of them, from 16 to 18 I believed that there was more to life than what we see, but I still didn't believe ingod. Then from 18 to 20 I changed so much!! Now I believe in god, I have my own proofs that I can change whatever I want in the world if it is for goodwill (Playing with the weather is quite fun!), I believe in NESARA and spacefriends. I still never experienced telepathy consciously, but I'm sure it will happend soon. For the moment I'm working on my diet! Oh yes that is also a big point 2 years ago I would not eat any vegetables, now I'm vegetarian and I would not even kill a bug anymore! because it is life!!

The more I get seen as a "cast-out" of society, the better I feel because I know for sure I'm going to my path towards god! None of my friends believe in what I say! But all of them know about what I think and that is what matters for me because the day Nesara, the landing and... happens they'll know a bit more and won't feel as lost as others and I guess that's the work of a lightworker!

But even as I read that Nesara would free-us, I'm still doing as much as I can to "increase" the knowledge of everyone around me and even any stranger I talk too! ANd I still follow my plan of free energy device. AGain I repeat, in my point of view if nesara is to come or not it would not change much, as long as no total extermination of the human race happens I will come out in some 10 years with my free-energy device worldwide and deliver the world with the group I will have formed by then...

What is anyone else doing to change the world. Alright this plan is really huge and many would not even believe it possible... (If you think that, then you are still in the fear mode that we were conditionned to experience at school)!

Nothing is impossible if someone did it before! People took over the earth once (this time it was evil) but it can surely happen a second time (this time for light).

And Nesara or not, it wouldn't change anything to the plans for saving earth that I prepared before learning about nesara and the rest. The ones who really want the earth to change, you have to do it also! Spaci friends will introduce nesara and so? If no one wants to stop eating processed food, buying useless material stuff, eat animals, stay lazy and always expect someone else to do the job... Nesara won't change anything! The change comes if WE HUMANS decide to change first!! Wanting to change is good, but as it was said on this website, now we have to get down to work.

DO whatever you want, but start doing it and stop thinking about it or expecting someone else to do it!

How many lightworkers have started to show the right way of living to their friends. Have you at least stopped to eat animals? Have you stopped watching TV news everyday? Have you stopped going to the doctors (which are only selling drugs for benefit...) or tried alternative medcines or learned to cure all your diseases yourself (By eating 100% natural food you already reduce your chances to get ill)? Are you trying to use more your bike than your car (and except if you live 100km away from your job place or so, don't tell me it's not possible! That's an excuse for your lazyness) ? Have you stopped all you addictions? Do you say Hi to Earthshan every morning?

If your answers are no to all the questions above, then something is wrong between your actions, thoughts and beliefs.

By the way, in december in finally understood what 'I am that I am' is!! You have to become your thoughts! If you think you want to do something and don't do it because of any stupid reason, then you're not acting as 'I am that I am'. (I remember my childhood, I never planned what I was going to do next; it just happened as it should)

A Ligthworker's path is full of obstacles, but that's for a reason! If you don't pass all these obstacles yourself, how could you help others struggling with their problems.

As Patrick said in the lasts texts, If you don't learn from your mistakes, then they will keep happening over and over until you learn. Stop procastination this is one of the worst habbits humans have! and just BE and DO what YOU think!

I hope all the text above is understandable??

I hope it will motivate some people.

Everyone keep up the good work

And especially you Patrick for keeping us updated on everything!!

Also thanks to Hatonn and God and every other angels who are guiding my life and everyones life and thanks to all the galactic federation and every other space friends who are constantly watching over us!

WIth lots of Love

