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"Hello, Central!" Some Thoughts On The Article "Killing Us Left and Right "Hello, Central!" Some Thoughts On The Article "Killing Us Left and Right"

"Hello, Central!" Some Thoughts On The Article "Killing Us Left and Right"

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Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 8:49 AM

Subject: Hello Central Some thoughts on the article Killing us Left and Right

Good day to you, I bring thoughts on why are we separating ourselves based on religion? Is it not true that all religions both have it right and wrong at the same time? Personally I have always felt this, I do not think that just because some one claims that they are of one faith that they are evil, with malice and evil intents upon the world. But by publishing articles like this one Killing us Left and Right, are they trying to say that all Jews are bad and in on the plot. That is like saying that as an American I support our current President.

I would wish that people would judge individuals based on their actions, and not come to some hastened idea because of someone's faith. For their is real value in church for some people. I have always seen church, synagogue, temple, and shrine as a place of gathering. A place to form community and relations with others.

These religious wars that are being carried out are not done at "we the people" of that faith level, but held in secret closed sessions at the very top. I have known good honest wonderful humans from all religions, and I have seen empty soul-less shells in each too.

I don't know an answer to the problems except for NESARA. I am not fit to say who is good and who is evil, that is creators choice and decision to judge. I just hope that articles like this do not spread hate among the faithful. We have never been given the names of the top, those who are choosing to enslave us. But I have faith that it is not one entire religious group or another. I have known wonderful Jesuit Priests that do not know of the problems at the top, and I know of wonderful people who are Jewish. My friends are of many religions. Each friend that I have I have judged and excepted based on their soul growth and not their religion.

Now at the announcement of NESARA we need more love and peace. Positive energy being pushed out and forward so that our harmony the purity of the masses, can concur the dark.

Thank You Patrick

Your Friend in Faith

