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Bellringers Corner Hello Central

"Hello, Central!" You Really "Stuck Your Neck Out" When You Gave A NESARA Date. How Long Do You Cry "Wolf" And Have People Believe You?

"Hello, Central!" I'm A Desperate Man! I'm Losing Ground! I'm Running Out Of Energy, Waiting For NESARA! Can You Fill Me Up? 04-23-05

"Hello, Central!" I Would Appreciate Your Feedback On The Statis Of The NESARA Announcement

"Hello, Central!" I Have Lost Lightworkers Over NESARA Not Happening. Are We Lightworkers Losing Ground?

"Hello, Central!" I Am Disappointed. The NESARA Announcement Failed Again. Why Did This Happen? My Faith Is Sorely Shaken!

"Hello, Central!" We Are So Confused After Reading "Channeled Messages". Please Help!

"Hello, Central!" Do You Believe, As Kryon Says, That We Are To Have Four More Years Of War?

"Hello, Central!" I Am Fatigued. My Body Hurts. I Need Uplifting. I Want My Joy Back. How Do I Work On Using My Mind Correctly?

"Hello, Central!" Mom, We Are Beginning To Wonder About Your Understanding Of The Internet"

"Hello, Central!" What Kind Of Creator Of All Has All The Problems That Are Posted On This Website???

"Hello, Central!" When Will NESARA Be In Mexico?

"Hello, Central!" First Contact Is A Misnomer, The Timing Of NESARA Is Subject In Part To Freewill, And Worldwide Suffering Is Misunderstood!

"Hello, Central!" Tell The Good Guys To Get The Show On The Road Or Go Home!

"Hello, Central!" I Would Appreciate Your Comments On The February 20, 2005 Dove Report

"Hello, Central!" The Ascended Masters Are Telling Us To Take A Greater Responsibility In What Is Happening. I Am Just An Ordinary Person. What Action Must I Take, And How?

"Hello, Central!" I Can Hardly Hold My Emotions. Now That We Have Four More Years Of Bush, When Are We Going To Get Some Help?02-02-05

"Hello, Central!" Does Not Sending "Light" To The Dark Ones Give Them More Energy To Go Further With Their Evil Plans, Due To The Inflow Of Energes, And Because All Light Is Not Necessarilyl Of Divine

"Hello, Central!" I'm Sorry To Say, But NESARA Is A Scam. It Was Just Too Good To Be True"

"Hello, Central!" People Scoff At The Truth. As I Can Not Argue With Them, I Just Tell Them To Do What They Want With It

"Hello, Central!" The Ascended Masters And Creator God Have Still Chosen Not To Have Our NESARA Announcement. What Is Going On?