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"Hello, Central!" I Would Appreciate Your Comments On The February 20, 2005 Dove Report

Patrick H. Bellringer

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he Dove Reports among some of the other channeling sites. Whether I believe in all of the info from the other sites or not I still forward the info as they want the info to decide for them selves what is going on.

Today's Dove report I did not and could not forward as it was a total disaster in mind.

Below is some excerpts from her report on which I would appreciate your comments. I have converted a lot to your info and input but many still believe in Dove and Jennifer.

Keep up the good work.


Excerpts taken from the weekly Dove report 02-21-05

In the last eight months, I have identified the key people who must be involved and the essential activities each group of people have the ability to accomplish which must be done to bring NESARA to announcement.It's extremely urgent these key people receive the intelligence I've collected and synthesized into the 200-page NESARA intelligence report. The time is NOW! Thousands of these key people are actually meeting privately every weekend to discuss what can be done to fix the extremely serious problems in America today. BUT, they do NOT have a workable plan! Many of them do NOT know about NESARA due to NESARA's gag order. TheseKEY PEOPLE have the CAPABILITIES to bring NESARA to announcement but most do not know about NESARA.

They want to act SOON to fix America! It's extremely important that the 200-page NESARA intelligence report get to them NOW while they are intensely seeking solutions! The NESARA intelligence report contains theSOLUTIONS these key people are seeking! We must "strike while the iron is hot". It's important to put the 200-page NESARA intelligence report into the hands of HUNDREDS of these people immediately.

In addition, the NESARA intelligence report includes details of how and why the PROSPERITY PROGRAMS must BE RESCUED. Not one penny of the prosperity programs will be paid out to program members unless theseprosperity programs are RESCUED from those who currently control the programs.

Some of you listen to the endless and totally FALSE rumors on the phone network which say the funding of the prosperity programs is going to happen soon. There are NO PLANS to fund these programs as of now. NOPLANS. NONE. NADA. ZERO. The bankers and trustees put out false funding and delivery rumors just to "placate" you and make you think something is happening so you will SIT STILL and DO NOTHING! These rumors are meant to KEEP YOU from doing anything; and the rumors have beensuccessful for the most part. Some of you have been listening to these rumors for over ten years! When are you going to figure it out? It's all LIES!

I expect to BE INVOLVED with the delivery and funding actions of the prosperity programs. If YOU are not contributing to these crucial actions of distributing the NESARA intelligence report, which also includes therequirements of rescuing the prosperity programs, then YOU will NOT be high on my priority list when the time comes for the funding of these programs.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: February 21, 2005


Dear L:

Having followed the Dove Reports over time, you are aware of the gradual movement of the Dove away from spiritual concepts and into the "no-man's land" of 3D thinking. She does not even ask people to pray and do their energy work anymore.

She has convinced herself that 3D human effort is the only possible way to solving the NESARA problem. She claims to be the only one who has researched NESARA and has found the answers to fixing the problem. Now she begs for money so she can take the golden key and unlock the golden door that opens to our very bright future. If we do not help, we are doomed to the dung pile of history.

I recall that not long ago the people were chastised by Dove, if they did not send post cards to the U.S. Supreme Court, e-mails to the World Court, and travel money to her. Do you have a sense of da ja vou?

I truly believe that Dove is spinning off into "left field" again. 3D is not where things are happening to bring us NESARA today. We have been there and done that. All is now under Galactic Law, and Divine Intervention is the order of the day.

Know that Creator God is in control. The funding of the Farm Claims and Prosperity Programs shall proceed right on schedule with Heaven's perfect timing, and under the authority of Violinio Germain and the other Ascended Masters. NESARA shall be announced, world peace declared, and then the thousands of starships under Sananda's command shall land worldwide to jolt the people awake, including the Dove. Again, all shall happen in Heaven's perfect timing as set forth in Creator's Plan 2000.

I believe all these events are imminent. Miracles are happening. These are extremely exciting times for those who understand.

No longer does any banker, any attorney, any judge, and military person, or anyone on Earth Shan have any real say or control over anything that happens from now on. Galactic Law is the order of the day. Those of the Light have control through their thought-power and their prayers, and greatly influence the "Mind of Creator God".

Know in your heart that evil has lost. The Darkside has been defeated on Earth Shan. Those, who do not understand, think that we are crazy when we say th1s. They do not understand because they are still believing the Lie, and are focused only on third dimension. They are the ones who will be in total shock when the starships land shortly.

I encourage you to look inward for your answers. Do not look outward, for there are no answers there. There you see only such things as the Dove and the illusion of 3D. Your God Spirit within is your window to reality! Look, and see, and may you enjoy the scene! The victory has been won over darkness on planet Earth! We have won! Know it! Believe it! It is so!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
