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"Hello, Central!" The Ascended Masters And Creator God Have Still Chosen Not To Have Our NESARA Announcement. What Is Going On?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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prayed and worked so hard and for so long to bring about NESARA and world peace. As you have so clearly written:

"This is a high triumph for the dark agenda and a total affront to the good people of our entire is a giant leap backwards....".

This inauguration was the last in a long series of 'natural deadlines' for the NESARA announcement. It has come and gone with more of the same.

What are we to make of this? Many now feel that it could be weeks..months ..or even years until we witness our announcement. To millions - perhaps billions - of people this is cruel.....people ravaged by war; people without health services; people without jobs; without education; without homes; without financial well-being; and on and on...

Despite all our endless prayers, The Ascended Masters and Creator God have still chosen not to have our announcement. What is going on?

Please, my friend, share with us what you know - today - regarding Creator God's Plan and the related activity of The Ascended Masters concerning NESARA'S announcement. We shall contiue with our NESARA prayers. At the same time, the need is greater than ever today for some positive information about the IMMEDIATE ANNOUNCEMENT of NESARA.

We truly need assistance at this moment.

Thank you so much for your efforts. We are most grateful.


In Light and Love and Joy



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: January 23, 2005


Dear SC:

It would at first appear that the inauguration was a "giant leap backward", yet, there are other considerations. If the true intent was to steal the election by voter fraud and voting machine manipulation, which can be proven, lawfully such fraud can be shown to the world when the oath of office is deliberately taken to the office acquired by such planned fraud. This is double-jeopardy high treason!

We are often frustrated with our view of the world because we are unable to understand Creator God's Plan for our time. His purposes and allowances are beyond our comprehension. Yet, as enlightened people, we know within that all is under Creator's control, and that events happen in Heaven's perfect sequence and timing. In retrospect we see wisdom in all that happens.

Just because we have moved beyond this inaugural "natural deadline" for NESARA to be implemented, does not mean that Creator God has forgotten us, or that evil has won. Creator God is equal to the task of keeping His part of our bargain of bringing Truth to victory. The question is, "Are we?" We may have negative feelings about the events of the day, but our lessons are never grater than our ability to learn them.

Wisdom tells us that negativity feeds the darkside. To win over the darkness we must remain positive, hopeful and helpful. Compassion, kindness, Love and Truth stop the Dark Angels in their tracks. The positive energy of compassion, forgiveness, Love and Creator's Light sent to them will literally "blow them away." Believe me when I say that the Darkside is being"blown away" at this most sacred time in our history.

We are not far from awesome changes. The signs of our times indicate such changes within weeks and even days. China may carry through on her threat to "dump the U.S. economy" by February 22, 2005. Japan is in the position to do the same thing. The Starship Capricorn has plans to make "first contact" by that same date. The fear and ferment is so great within the U.S. Government and Military, that a political earthquake and resulting tsunami are imminent. Covert actions are happening in the financial world that are producing positive results for the "little people". The war protesters worldwide have again spoken and affirmed peace in our time. Mother Earth continues to shake and burp, while the weather fluctuates wildly. Mother Earth is not waiting in her ascension. Human decisions must now be made quickly. The sun flare energy is so enormous as to cause satellites to disappear, communications to be interrupted and air travel to be cancelled. Spiritual sources are indicating that this is to be the shortest presidential term in office of any U.S. president. History shows that in 1841 William Harrison died from pneumonia after one month in office.

There are many more signs that only the discerning can read. Our Golden Age is very near! In humility and with a proud heart may we stand in awe that we have been allowed to participate in these pivotal events in our planet's history. Our global prayer power and soul intent has, indeed, made the difference!

Smile, my friend, polish your dancing shoes and know in your heart that victory is here!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: SC


Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 11:22 AM

Subject: The Quest for NESARA NOW

Dear Patrick,


Thank you so much for your considerate response. I AM, indeed, beginning to smile more and preparing to dance.

Yes, the world has now seen this administration commit double jeopardy high treason. This is an important point that we had not thought of. It makes sense that this is yet another crucial step towards the NESARA announcement.

It is most encouraging to hear you say "changes within weeks and even days". As we continue to pray for NESARA NOW, may we ask you:

1. If China or Japan "dump the US economy" by February 22, 2005 - how, exactly, does this influence NESARA?

2. If the Starship Capricorn makes "first contact"by February 22, it still true, as we have been hearing from our brothers and sisters for years, that the NESARA announcement must preceed "first contact" by at least one week?

3. Are you able to clarify what you mean by "a political earthquake and resulting tsunami"? Is this something that would take place before or as a result of the NESARA announcement and "first contact"?

4. Finally, is this presidency really said to be shorter than William Harrison's in 1841? If so, then the NESARA announcement is indeed imminent!

Thank you, my friend, for your constant sharing of such valueable information. It is of great benefit to so many of us.

Our prayers for NESARA'S Immediate announcement continue.

In Light and Love and Joy



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: January 24, 2005


Dear SC:

Q. 1: Let me give you a bit of history. Prior to 1933 U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt tricked China by paying our WWI war debts, etc. to China with U.S. Treasury gold certificates. Then promptly in 1933 Roosevelt took the U.S. off the gold standard. China then could not cash these gold certificates and has been holding them now for 72 years. China has been buying up U.S. dollars, and is now prepared to dump them on the market to trigger extreme inflation and crash the U.S. economy. China is an ally of Iran and saved Iran when the U.S. supported Iraq in the Iran/Iraq war of the 1980's. China is angry with the U.S. for again targeting Iran in G.W. Bush's "war on terrorism".

Japan, also, could upset our economy. Japan holds over 50% of all U.S. treasury bonds, and the U.S. could not pay up should Japan decide to cash them in. Either China or Japan could act and break the Federal Reserve Bank. This could force the U.S. on to the pending gold standard U.S. Treasury banking system, which the corrupt U.S. Government has been fighting for years. In other words, this could force the NESARA announcement.

Q. 2: First Contact will not happen until peace is declared on Planet Earth. NESARA does that. Therefore, if the Starship Capricorn/New Jerusalem is definitely planning to proceed with "first contact" on February 22, 2005, it is logical to conclude that the NESARA announcement must precede their landing by at least two to three days, which we have been told is the lead time.

Q. 3: "A political earthquake and resulting tsunami" is pending in Washington, D.C. Many congressmen and women are very angry with G.W. Bush's inaugural address and the direction in which he is taking the U.S. Some have said that they plan to take G.W. down if he is not assassinated first. Such actions or energy could push NESARA to fruition, because NESARA lawfully removes Bush and Cheney from power and would accomplish what many in Congress want done.

Q. 4: If we are receiving accurately, others as well as myself have been told by the Lighted Realms that G.W. Bush's second term in office will be the shortest U.S. presidential term ever. William Harrison's term in 1841 was less than a month, so that would indicate that the NESARA announcement is, indeed, imminent! In fact, it could happen at any time, because all our economic and military sources are saying that all is now ready for the public announcement to proceed. I hold the energy that it will happen tomorrow, Tuesday, January 25, 2005!

Hold that positive energy, keep your hopes high, and keep polishing those dancing shoes!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
