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"Hello, Central!" I'm Sorry To Say, But NESARA Is A Scam. It Was Just Too Good To Be True"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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be true. We can only pray now... :(



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: January 17, 2005


Dear ND:

I am sorry that you have so little faith and discernment, as to be tricked by the Darkside's disinformation websites. NESARA is Creator God's Plan for our time. Do you think that Creator God is not equal to the task of bringing the Golden Age of Peace to His people?

You will get whatever you want, and if you think that NESARA was too good to be true, then you will not enjoy the benefits of NESARA at this time. I truly pity you, "oh, ye of little faith". To dismiss NESARA so easily is to choose to walk in the darkness a while longer. May you find your way to the Light of Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
