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"Hello, Central!" You Really "Stuck Your Neck Out" When You Gave A NESARA Date. How Long Do You Cry "Wolf" And Have People Believe You?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ation wrote:

Subject: Re: NESARA announcements, 5 countries

From: B

Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 16:41:50 -0000

Hi Patrick/

This is B from England dropping you a line to say hello and to comment on the reply you gave to R in Germany. When I read what R had to say I really felt that he was talking for more then just himself. I know I got to this point some time ago but I have managed to keep going. I feel R was coming to you from a 3 dimensional prospective and I feel you came back with the kind of understanding that one hopes to have once you have a higher degree of awareness. While we are in 3D we have to live as best we can so to do this we still have to use all the skills we can muster. In my 3D reliability, continuity and credibility are just a few of the strengths we need to make our way thought life. I am sorry Patrick to say this to you but you really stuck your neck out when you came out and give a day when all of this would come out into the open. I know that I did tune into CNN and for the next 3 days I waited for some kind of word to say that NESARA was now a reality. In England we have a story about a little Shepherd boy that would call out "Wolf" when there was no wolf then one day there was a wolf and when he called out no one took any notice of him you see the boy had lost his "Credibility". I feel that the more unreliable information is given out the greater the chances are that people will just not listen any more and we do not want this to happen.

In your reply you once again stuck out your neck by making this statement

The announcement of NESARA in the United States is now a matter of only days or even hours away. Victory is here, and victory will happen in Germany in short order.

Once again we will all sit up and wait, and wait and wonder I do hope that you are right this time.

I leave you now in love and light and yes in hope that all will come to pass really soon.


B in England

* * *

J-M O wrote:

"Hello, Central!" I'm A Desperate Man! I'm Losing Ground! I'm Running Out Of Energy, Waiting For NESARA! Can You Fill Me Up?

----- Original Message -----

From: R

To: bellringer@f... ; fourwinds@f...

Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 6:00 PM

Subject: A Desperate Call

Hi Patrick,

this is a desperate call from a from a man who can't stand the situation any longer..........


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: B In England

DATE: April 24, 2005


Dear B in England:

Thank you for your comments. I know that you and many others are frustrated over the delay of the NESARA announcement in the U.S.

I stand by what I have said to R in Germany. The April 15, 2005 date was posted on Fourwinds because Creator God directed me to do so. If you think I "stuck my neck out", so be it. You may think what you wish, but such negative energies of doubt do not add to the "NESARA event".

It is common to crucify the messenger when the message is not understood. The point to understand is that NESARA is now! There is no new plan! Again, today in a message from Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn he says, and I quote, "I want this heard by all, that Christ Michael decided the date of April 15 for the announcement of NESARA. It is his command that the time is now!" This message will be posted on Fourwinds tomorrow.

Who am I to question this authority and to refuse to give this message to the world? Do you have a better plan? Could you accomplish NESARA in a better way? I think not.

May you be wise, brother, in your use of your creative thought power. NESARA is now! Let us use our positive energies to help make it happen. It's called praying, believing!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
