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"Hello, Central!" What Kind Of Creator Of All Has All The Problems That Are Posted On This Website???

Patrick H. Bellringer

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2012, did no action from the group call for a dove tactic adding more reasons for non action?? With all the so called millions of entities and technology they let a T.V. station stop there announcement twice?? The excuses are getting worse. If the entity is truly the creator of all and brought all into being why are we not allowed to function equal to any other entity and why does it say( LET US CREATE THEM IN OUR IMAGE) Who is the US? I personally challenge all FOUR of your Entities, Creator God, Sananda,Capt Hatton, and Germaine for I believe they are not who they claim to be. If you are interested I will tell you a story of myself that happened in the 1960s/71 You said to trust your God self so that I do. I am just a old 71 year old man and have to settle this for myself in my own way. Will any one or all four take my challenge? I wonder..CB


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 19, 2005


Dear CB:

You sound like a person who is living between hope and despair with many questions but very few answers. I suggest that you would be most wise to read Phoenix Journal number two, "And They Called His Name Immanuel: I Am Sananda" located on Fourwinds. There you will find Truth, if you truly open your heart to receive it.

If you "trust your God self", why do you ridicule and challenge Creator God, Sananda, Hatonn and Germain? I do not know any Capt. Hatton or Germaine. To find out who is the real Commander Hatonn, I suggest that you read Phoenix Journal number three entitled, "Space Gate", and to find out who is the real Germain to read Phoenix Journal number seven, "The Rainbow Masters". It is obvious that you have not read with discernment much of anything written by me and posted on Fourwinds.

You may be a 71 year old man, but you lack knowledge and wisdom. Unless you awaken to Truth soon, you shall be lying flat on your back on the ground in shock when NESARA hits and the starships land. I hope you do not create your own demise. Creator God will not save you! You must save yourself!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: CB


Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 4:15 AM

Subject: Thank You for Your reply.

Mr. Bellringer: Thank you for your reply it was interesting. I misspelled Germain and Hatonn. I did read a lot of the messages but still cant conceive a GOD with all the excuses that this one ( Creator God ) has. I guess my Idea of a deity is a lot larger and not a single entity. I also guess that with being here from 1954 ( Sananda )still hasn't figured out the simple Earth creatures enough to deal with them. The craft landing here is no problem for me and It will be interesting to see the reaction of the people of this planet. I have no problem with truth when I hear it, it needs no explanation. My challenge is still open to those I mentioned to hear that truth as it really is. I feel they owe the people of this planet that much and The countless others who have had to endure the unholy life they were given to endure. Not only human life but ALL life on this planet. It also would help the un-numbered lives from the other parts of this solar system. The flash of light in December was a notice to all and the changes in our sun also are sending a message. I don't claim to be wise or do I fear the future. Thank you again. CB
