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"Hello, Central!" Mom, We Are Beginning To Wonder About Your Understanding Of The Internet"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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you forward, you seem to think most of what you read is based on fact, and has some impact on you directly. We cannot stress how wrong this is.The internet allows anyone to publish most anything, without having to back up their stories with any kind of fact finding, let alone any liability for what they say.

We think you have much better things to do with your time than worrying about events that are tragic accidents that have no impact to you directly (let alone someone misdirecting blame, and probably trying to gain attention). The internet is a wonderful tool, but any tool can be abused. It can offer wonders and knowledge, but it can also offer nonsense, deception, and hurtful information. We hope you can begin to see the difference. There are reputable organizations you can use to crosscheck information you read. Please try to utilize these before jumping to conclusions."

I have been chastised and am mortified.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 30, 2005


Dear EL:

Thank you for your letter. You are a "big girl" now! Do not allow your children to belittle and intimidate you with their ignorance. You have the ability to discern Truth by going within, as do they. If they choose not to do so and to live in the "illusion" of a nice world, so be it!

Soon they shall be confronted by the fantastic lies under which they have lived all their lives. Send them Love and Light energies, for they really need them. *I honor you for your stand as a Truthbringer. It is not unusual for the message to be ignored and the messenger to be attacked. Hang in there! Victory is at hand!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
