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"Hello, Central!" The Ascended Masters Are Telling Us To Take A Greater Responsibility In What Is Happening. I Am Just An Ordinary Person. What Action Must I Take, And How?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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e want you to take a large responsibility for what is to take place,” by Ela of Arcturus.

I am aware that this is not exactly your area, and that you, personally, are not responsible for someone else’s words… but that is not the issue.

This statement is quoted only as an example of a concept that has been generally expressed; that we rank and file Earthlings must take more responsibility, and a more active role in what is happening.

I have no objection to this. In fact, I’m fairly certain that the majority of aware people are “chomping at the bit” to contribute, both now and after first contact. I want to help!

What perplexes me is that I have no knowledge, credibility, or authority. When it comes to calming down my neighbors – another recurring theme – frankly, nobody cares what I think. I’ve never seen a UFO, alien, or even a twinkler. I’ve never been abducted, am not telepathic, and don’t know anything other than what I’ve learned from your site, and similar ones.

I can pray and envision the way I think things should be. I can believe that there is an “inner knowing”. I can work, and I would like to learn new technologies, and participate in the cleansing of the Earth.

I read your words, to the effect that anyone can converse with God, and I feel that He’s there, and He hears, but I do not perceive any Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, etc. I have no difficulty accepting that they are there, but my life is ordinary.

99% of the world’s population is, figuratively speaking, deaf, dumb, blind, and naked – and they don’t realize it.

It is puzzling to me that I do realize my limitations but seem powerless to break free from them.

I have a strong perception of a missing key about to drop into place – but I’ve had that perception for years. I have a sense of mission… that there is something I must do… that I must take action… but what? How?

Meanwhile, I stand by...



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: February 17, 2005


Dear BT:

Thank you for your letter and your questions. You quoted Ela of Arcturus, "We want you to take a large responsibility for what is to take place". Then in your letter you said, "We rank and file Earthlings must take more responsibility, and a more active role in what is happening". These two statements have different meanings. Your statement refers to now, while Ela's refers to the future.

The enlightened ones are doing great work now by their prayers and positive energy, their caring and helping, their peaceful life-style, and their wisdom and vision of a new day coming. In Ela's message of 2-17-05 through Mike Quinsey and in Sananda's recent messages through Candace Frieze the Lightworkers are directed to prepare to help when NESARA is announced and the starships land on Earth Shan. Ela speaks of helping with projects and technology. Sananda also speaks of helping those good people in shock at the sudden positive changes to wake up.

Your claim to fame that you are just an ordinary person with no knowledge, no credibility, no authority, no UFO or alien experience, no telepathic experience, no seeing of twinkling starships, no perception of Angels, Guides and Ascended Masters, and no power to break free of your "limitations" is total nonsense! You are no different than any other of Creator God's human creatures. You have the same potential and creative power as do the Ascended Masters and Archangels! You just do not believe that you do, and therefore, you haven't used your "power".

My brother, I have told you in my writings that we are all returned "Masters"! We volunteered to help with this third Grand Experiment, and were chosen because we had already been through one or both of the first two Grand Experiments. We have graduated! We are Masters here without memory. We must now wake up spiritually and exercise our great power to assist with the ascension of Mother Earth.

It is quite evident that you are not just an ordinary person. It is obvious that you are well along the path of enlightenment. You read Truth and use discernment. You pray. You ask spiritually challenging questions. You have said the magic words, "I want to help"!

Now, let me give you some direction. Find a quiet place where you can be alone. Sit down, close your eyes and get really quiet. Think a question that you have and direct it to Creator God. Listen for an answer. You may hear words. You may not, but your thoughts may give you the answer. Your intuition and "inner knowing" may give you the answer to your question. You may have a "gut feeling" that tells you what you wish to know.

Everyone is different. Very few people actually hear a voice speaking to them, and very few see Angels or Ascended Masters appearing before them. You do not need that to believe. You already have the "inner knowing" of their presence. You can "feel" their presence. The "chill bumps" on your arms or down your back is confirmation that they are present. Their positive energy aura is inter-acting with your aura.

You are connected through your God Spirit within to all in the Realms of Light. You have only to pick up the receiver and communicate. Put out a call for help to your Guardian Angels. Tell them what you want or need. Ask for wisdom, protection, discernment, enlightenment. Then believe that you have it! The biggest problem people have with prayer is faith. You must pray, believing! Ask for divine protection. Then believe that you have it, and you do. Then live your life "knowing" that you are protected from the Darkside. That is, walk through the "Valley of the Shadow" without fear. That is how you grow. That is how you have authority and gain credibility. You exercise your power, your faith. You live your life expecting good things to happen, and they do.

You send out peace and kindness, positive energy, and positive energy multiplied many times over comes back to you. That is the Law of Returns. You reap abundantly what you sow! If you sow fear, anger and doubt, the negative energy returned to you will "knock you over". That is why negative people never are able to stand up long enough to see the goodness around them.

Knowledge comes through reading and searching for Truth. Through discernment of Truth we gain wisdom, and wisdom always leads to greater Truth and wisdom. There is no end to spiritual growth and lessons learned until we reach the Isle of Paradise, the highest dimension where the energy of Creator God originates.

You, most certainly, are not an ordinary person. Oh, your life, like most of us, may be very ordinary, but that is only the 3D illusion. We must understand that we are not physical beings, having a spiritual experience. That is the Great Lie! We are spiritual beings having a physical 3D experience. We are Masters returned to help our planet and her people through ascension into fifth dimension, known as "heaven" or the Golden Age of Light.

"To take responsibility" is to prepare ourselves to help when First Contact happens. We must educate those who choose to remain on Earth Shan and are in shock. We must help to enlighten them. We may choose to help with pollution clean-up of our planet. We may choose to help with the new technologies. As Lightworkers, we will be given the knowledge we will need to do our chosen tasks, and we will choose to do those things that we enjoy doing. Work will no longer be drudgery, but fun.

Know, brother, that you are not ordinary! Go out and see the twinkling colored lights of the starships in the night sky. Use a binoculars and "their presence" will "blow you away". Concentrate on one bright ship and ask it a yes or no question verbally or in your thoughts. The starship will move up and down for a "yes" answer, and back and forth sideways for a "no" answer. Try that with the moon! Your thoughts are the greatest and fastest force in the Cosmos. It is through thought that Creator God created all that is. You have that power! Use it! Use it to break your limitations. Use it to communicate with the Realms of Light. Use it to heal, to remove the darkness, and to create our Heaven on Earth.

Your life is not ordinary. You only think it is ordinary. You are what you think. Stop thinking 3D. Think 5D and connect to the real world again. You become whatever it is that you believe. What is it that you believe?

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
