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"Hello, Central!" I Am Fatigued. My Body Hurts. I Need Uplifting. I Want My Joy Back. How Do I Work On Using My Mind Correctly?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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hat info can you help me with. I have been struggling with finding work in the area I am in & now have arthritis in my hips & knees & need to heal the body & the body mind. I have A caregiver job coming up end of April. In the mean time I am working on how to make ends meet for basic living this month before. I have gotten so stressed to this point that I have created A much less functioning person that I know I can do better. I have been a metaphysical student for many years 1983 delving into Anthroposophy & Dr. Joshua Stones Ascension work. I am also intrested in Zy Phoenix work, she calls herself Quala. I was told my 3rd eye was closed in a past life. I need to find a way to become clear. I need some new uplifting way to start to want to meditate more. Too much has become work in a way that I am just too fatigued with life & need A way uplift my thinking processes. I never used to be this way. I have had trouble in school. A friend says it is the Ego not wanting to let go. I listen to some music I enjoy for a while & then the music plays in my head like the old records that stay in a groove. That has been a Huge issue for A long time. I would appreciate any book or person that can counsel me to help me operate out of my heart center. Ascension is important to me. I feel the answers are attainable. I feel that 100 percent. I also want to help my friend Ed & he feels I need help because I have become so strifed with easy daily chores. I know there has to be a new starting point. Any ideas, I will listen. The article about Sananda talking about the painting I read most the book. IT got wet from a water bottle opening & I do not recall if I threw it out or what. That I believed in. Then I heard a reference to that. I feel I want to be a rebirther or breath worker. A friend Starlight from Minneapolis,Mn, now in Sedona says I am to do that kind of work, but in water & that I have a lot of dolphin energy & that I am to do dolphin work. I would like to also do the NLP course. I feel since my parents are gone I have given up more & I know I can get my joy back in life. How? I like helping others. I seem to jump around in my thinking too much. I need to be more centered. Transmission Meditation is a huge help. I will attempt to set up a group again. Maybe I need to do something else first. I also have been working on Emeral Passport & then I freeze when it is time to make calls. Part of me wants to be successful & part of me wants to keep living the old "I can't do this routine". Thank You! I look forward to hearing from you. Blessings To YOU! ML


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 30, 2005


Dear ML:

Thank you for your letter. From what you have written it is evident that you have cluttered your mind with so much "stuff", that you are now in confusion and lack structure and direction and motivation in life. No person and no book holds the magical answers to your questions. All the answers to every question you may ever have are all found within you. You God-Spirit knows all!

You are searching in all the wrong places for your life's direction. "Be still and know that I am God!" Go within and through your thoughts ask your questions. Direct your energy to one specific entity, i.e. Creator God, Sananda, and listen for the answers in your thoughts. Tell them what you need; peace, joy, love, and expect to receive it.

Also know that they will not do everything for you. You must help yourself and others as well. By sending out positive energy of caring and loving, it will be returned to you and in greater amount. The same goes for negative energy. That is Cosmic Law. Determine what you want. If you want joy, do acts of kindness for others, and it will be returned to you.

If you feel hopeless, ask for hope. If you feel tired, ask for energy and strength. Ask for what you need, and when you receive it, use it in positive ways. You will be amazed at how quickly your life will turn around. You cannot give to others unless you have something to give. Focus on receiving the gifts of "Heaven", so you can give them to others.

All is changing, and the positive energies are pushing us to move upward into new experiences. Resisting these positive energies will create tiredness and loss of motivation. Be open! Listen to your God Spirit within. Use your discernment and "gut feelings" as part of your guidance system. The Darkside is battling for your mind, but they can not win, unless you allow them to win.

You must choose to stop the treadmill of daily chores and go for a little while to the beautiful "Garden of Prayer". Then life becomes a pilgrimage with meaning and purpose. We can choose between a pilgrim's pathway of hope or the treadmill of despair. Truth lies within! It is that simple!

In love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
