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"Hello, Central!" I Have Lost Lightworkers Over NESARA Not Happening. Are We Lightworkers Losing Ground?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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them to raise their vibratory level to positive heights, Light level heights in fact due to the tremendous energy these people have.

Each time I speak of the announcement in the current time frame, nothing happens. Thus, those who were holding the light , cease to do so.

Does this mean the negative, or disappointed energies start aiding the darkside, or are we still strong enough - those of us who keep having the faith - does it mean that we Lightworkers are losing ground? I know I lost a couple of Lightworkers this weekend when definitive statements about the NESARA announcement were not spoken?

As alway, I know NESARA is the only program that makes sense in this lifetime - but it becomes so extremely difficult to hold onto converts when I must keep explaining the megalithic proportions of the tasks that must occur preceding the announcement.

I'm not sure what shall aid the cause. Have you any words of wisdom regarding the aforementioned thoughts?

I would greatly appreciate it.

Yours in Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 19, 2005


Dear S:

Thank you for holding the Light of Truth. At some point every seed you plant will bear fruit. That is Creator's promise.

We are in the time of instant karma. The negative energy produced by those who doubt the Truth is instantly returned to them. The people of our planet are demanding peace in our time, and the resultant positive energy is overwhelming the darkness and the negative energy. The Law of Karma/The Law of Returns states that the energy we send out is multiplied many times and returned to us, be it faith and Love or doubt and fear. We reap what we sow.

When you planet a kernel of corn, do you harvest only one kernel of corn? No, your return is a thousand or more kernels of corn! The Lightworkers are not "losing ground". It may seem to you that you have lost "a couple of Lightworkers". This is what happens when you plant Truth. People choose! It is not your fault if people make unwise choices. They, too, are learning their lessons in discernment and soul growth. There are really no wrong choices, only detours that people choose to explore in their pathway to the Light. Some take longer to arrive at the "Light" than others.

I understand your frustration over telling someone that NESARA is to happen and it doesn't. You become the fool. Did you lie to them? No! You told them the Truth as best you knew it at the moment. Things change. Life is change. This is so to test our faith and discernment of that which lies beyond our 3D world, of that which does not change.

You know in your heart that NESARA is real and will happen. You know that our Golden Age of Peace is here, and that this is the end of the reign of evil on our planet. Efforts to convinced those with no faith or discernment of the spiritual realm are futile. They do not, yet, have eyes to "see" and ears to "hear", but they soon will when the tangible evidence explodes around them.

Hold the fort! Hold on to your passion. This is Tuesday, April 19. This gives the banks a five day banking holiday, if NESARA happens today. This is now the fourth day since the last attempt at announcing NESARA on the CNN TV network. There have been three days to recoup and re-group by our Light troops. This is also Patriot's Day, the day that the Darkside has chosen to "slam" the goyim: Waco Texas disaster, April 19, 1993, and Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995. Today is the day for us to "slam" the Darkside by announcing our victory through NESARA.

Let us pray that this is so. Know in your heart that victory is here. The Light has won! Our prayers and positive energy has made the difference.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: S

To: Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 5:30 AM

Subject: Re: Apologies...

Dear Patrick,

Thank you so much for the encouraging words and for taking the time to reply. I shall just have to hold more light for those kernels who doubt.

Yours in Love and Light,

