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"Hello, Central!" Tell The Good Guys To Get The Show On The Road Or Go Home!

Or Go Home!

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----- Original Message -----

From: CB


Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 11:10 PM

Subject: You dont answer mail??

You spent a lot of time telling people how to write English, what Americans write/speak isn't English. Americans have a language all of there own. I see that the good guys still cant get to first base with the BBB+G. Still trying to use the excuses they had on Star Trek to explain why they havent done anything in 2500 years. Even with the green light from above still no action the bad guys are to smart for them. If every thing is so secret then maybe they ought to tell each other whats going on so someone can move ahead and look into the tens of thousands of space craft for answers. Every one cant

be that dumb to know that they came all this way to wait for more years to act. This is not a Earth peoples War it is theres from a long time ago. So tell them to either get the show on the road or go home. Then they can write in there history books that the final Planet in this solar system is now gone along with the others. They witnessed there destruction also and done

nothing .



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: February 27, 2005


Dear CB:

I quite agree with you. Most Americans neither write nor speak English well.

It does seem that the Forces of Light are having difficulty accomplishing their appointed tasks. The one check they have is Mother Earth. If they do not act, she will. Either way we win, because the evil will be swept off this planet! Creator God has promised us safety, if Mother Earth dumps everything negative, and we will have the same, if the Forces of Light bring in the Golden Age on Earth Shan. In spite of the delays, I'm betting on the latter scenerio.

Our task is to keep from becoming cynical, to be patient, to keep positive energy flowing and to help as many "needy" as we can. A kind word or a smile carries great positive energy. Keep hope alive. Things are about to break.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
