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"Hello, Central!" Do You Believe, As Kryon Says, That We Are To Have Four More Years Of War?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ndering if you could provide your thoughts on some information I've come across as it seems to contradict my general understanding of the timing of worldwide events. It concerns the being named 'Kryon' channelled by Lee Carroll. In his channeling at the United Nations on Feb 18, 2005 he says the following:

"I just gave you six attributes that are the core of what you do here in these hallways. Then there is the seventh one - the big one. That goal? The elimination of war on the planet... the creation of peace on Earth. And some here might say, "Well, we haven't done very well with that. In fact, the world is in chaos at the moment and it's getting worse." Yes it is, and we told you that it would be. So before you discount these United Nations and declare, "Well, it hasn't been able to accomplish its real goal," I will say that this elusive goal is the most difficult, and will remain so for at least four more years."

I have read many of Kryon's channellings and I believe them to be accurate however the timing of peace according to him seems to differ to what I have come to understand with the declaration of NESARA (Peace) supposably occuring this year. I have read the channellings of Sananda by Candace Frieze and truly do believe 2005 is the year of great change, his second coming, and first contact. I can feel it. My dilema is in what to make of Kryon's 'four more years' of war. If you would be so kind I would like to know your perspective of this contradictory timing.

Thankyou again for your help. Fourwinds is a fantastic website and your effort is greatly appreciated.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 30, 2005


Dear JM:

Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work at Fourwinds.

You have a specific question from a Kryon message channeled by Lee Carroll on February 18, 2005. Just the statement of "four more years" until we have peace on our planet is a major clue that this is rubbish. Ascended Master Kryon would never speak such nonsense! Peace is to be declared in the next few weeks or possibly days!

Earth Shan is not waiting months or years for balance to be restored. The huge earth quake this week in Indonesia is a clue that time is running out for peace to be declared, NESARA announced, and the starships landing with clean-up and balancing technology for our use. "Four more years" of war is a statement from the Darkside to create fear and despair. Remember, the Darkside needs negative energy to survive, and they trick us into creating this negative energy for them. Send them the energy of Love and Light, and they lose, "big time"!

Sananda has said through Candace Frieze that there are many "fake" channelings happening now to fool people. Lightworkers must be very careful to present Truth as best they can, and everyone must be on guard to discern Truth for themselves.

Believe me, my friend, when I say that Creator God is not waiting four more years for war to cease on Earth Shan! Believe me when I say that Earth Shan is not waiting even four more months for peace to be declared.

All signs point to positive change now! Miracles are happening, and victory may be declared at any moment. It is that close! Go within and know that this is true!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
