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"Hello, Central!" Does Not Sending "Light" To The Dark Ones Give Them More Energy To Go Further With Their Evil Plans, Due To The Inflow Of Energes, And Because All Light Is Not Necessarilyl Of Divine

Patrick H. Bellringer

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My take on this is that these dark ones have a head of steam up going in the direction they have chosen and are in most cases incapable of receiving the "light" and that the outcome of sending them more light is really just more of the same direction they are headed only intensified because of the transfusion.

In my evolution as a light worker I was blessed with being able to take a course in Huna,the shaman discipline of Hawaii a few years back and our teacher repeated many times that "Wherever attention goes,power flows". My question to you is"Does this not enable the dark ones to go further with their plans due to the inflow of energies"? It may be that my observations are too simplistic but we have been warned in the past that many would be fooled ,even the "elect".Could this simplistic view have merit?

I have read recently in "Urantia" that all light is not neccessarily of Divine source and that those ones who have looked away from the source for so long as to be labeled recalcitrant and in line for decreation and reabsorption into the primordial soup ,are quite capable non the less of creating illusions of light and thereby fooling the elect with their light forms.

If my simplistic viewpoint is indeed true then what would be the best way to dissempower the dark ones as feeding them further only prolongs our agony?

Thank you for all you do in the name of Love and I appreciate your depth of understanding and clarity in your mission to reveal the truth in our struggle to bring Heaven to Earth Shan.Namaste.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: January 25, 2005


Dear RT:

Thank you for your letter and indepth questions. I believe the quote, "wherever attention goes, power flows" is incorrect. The word "attention" is deceiving in that when you give attention to something you must put energy into it. Your quote, to be better understood, should read, "wherever energy goes, power flows".

Secondly, you are forgetting that energy also comes in two forms, positive and negative or Light and darkness. By your freewill intent you choose which type of energy you generate, positive or negative, Light or darkness. The Cosmic Law is that Light (positive energy) always neutralizes or removes darkness (negative energy). We have the power through our God Spirit within to create enormous positive energy. One person can use his thought-power to create the positive energy to neutralize the negative energy of a million people of darkness, thus removing their power against him.

Remember, that the Cosmic Law of Returns states that whatever energy you send out, be it positive (love and compassion) or negative (fear and hate) will be returned to you in like kind and in multiple amounts of 10 fold (10 to the 10th power) and 100 fold (100 to the 10th power). The person with positive energy wins every time, because his positive energy neutralizes negativity, plus he receives back much more positive energy to send out again into the ethers. The Darkness can not win against such odds.

Another thing to consider is that, those who are controlled by negative energy, i.e. Satan's troops, have no power to create, because they have shut off their access to their God Spirit within. They get their negative energy to function from the negative energy of fear, hatred, doubt, etc. that they cause us to create for them. The Darkside cannot create, but can only use what others have created. Therefore, by sending them the positive energies of love, kindness, compassion and truth, their negative energy is diffused and they are rendered helpless, because they have no fuel (negative energy) to function. They can only thrive on negativity.

The Darkside has no power to stop the Light from removing their darkness. Love always negates hate and fear. Your argument is faulty, when you say that by sending these dark ones more Light, we are giving them more power to do their evil deeds. No, by sending them Light we neutralize their negative energy, so they can no longer do their evil deeds.

Light has high frequencies, whereas darkness has low frequencies. By sending the positive energy of Light to the Darkside, the high frequencies of Light clash with the lower frequencies of darkness. This cause them much spiritual, mental and physical pain. The pain will increase, if they choose not to return to the Light, and at some point they will then choose to leave Earth Shan.

Also, you suggest that in the book Urantia, it is claimed "that all light is not necessarily of Divine source". That, my friend, is a total lie! Creator God Aton of Light is the God of Light. Light is the source of all that is. All that has been created, has been created by Creator God Aton of Light from the positive energy of Light. Without Light there is only darkness. There is no fake Light. Yes, there can be illusions of light. Lucifer came to Earth Shan under the illusion of light, as the "illuminated one". He called himself the "Morning Star", the God of Light, and many believed him. He was really the God of Darkness. The Darkside always tries to trick people with "illusions of light".

You ask how to dis-empower the dark ones. My brother, send them enormous amounts of Light. Send them the positive energy of Love, of kindness, of compassion and forgiveness. They cannot endure the positive energy of Light, Love, compassion and Truth. We have the power to stop the Darkside in their tracks, and we are doing just that.

Do not be fooled by those who would twist the Truth. Go to the Pleiades Connection series of the Phoenix Journals for a basic understanding of Creation, Creator Source, Light and darkness, and the power of Light over darkness.

We walk with the Light and we win over darkness, because Creator God of Light wins, always! Know that victory over darkness on Planet Earth is here! We have won! Forgive me for writing such a long reply. I got carried away.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: RT

To: Bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 6:06 PM

Subject: Re: Observation/ Question

Hiya Patrick,

In the I Ching it states that to fight Evil one must not choose weapons with it and go blow for blow with it which only binds us to the evil we are trying to overthrow but we must energetically advance our cause by doing the good and in this way little by little replace what is evil with that which is good. Your answer is very much in this vein and I thank you for taking the time to reply in such length.You must be very busy with all you have to do.By the way I have only read a little of the gigantic tome that is Urantia and years earlier I obtained another such writing called Ohaspe which purportedly was channeled in 1884 to a man in the States and is the "History of the Earth and the Higher and Lower Heavens for the last 24,000 years according to Jehova. A very large boggling read that kept me in awe of its contents for some time. As much as these writings are apparently cosmicly oriented I find that they appear very dated and even though there is truth in them there seems to be nuggets of information designed to misslead and so I shall lay them aside and persue more current information thanx to the internet.I have read some of the Phoenix Journals and consider myself one of Our Lord Sananda's flock .We shall continue in the light of the One over us all ,thank you my friend,Namaste,Your brother on the west coast of Canada.

